Computational Methods
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Youness Dehbi
Lehre im Sommersester
- Informatik 2 (B.Sc. TGA)
- Raumbezogene Datenanalyse (B.Sc.)
- Big Data Analytics (M.Sc.)
Lehre im Wintersemester
- Geodatenverwaltung und -analyse (B.Sc.)
- Grundlagen der Geoinformatik (B.Sc.)
- Geodateninfrastrukturen (B.Sc.)
- Mathematik 3 (B.Sc.)
- Informatik 3 (B.Sc.)
- Engineering Mathematics (M.Sc.)
- Ingenieurmathematik (M.Sc.)
- seit 03/2023:
Professor für Computational Methods an der HafenCity Universität Hamburg - 09/2016 bis 02/2023:
Akademischer Rat am Institut für Geodäsie und Geoinformation an der Universität Bonn - 08/2008 bis 09/2016:
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Institut für Geodäsie und Geoinformation an der Universität Bonn - 10/2003 bis 05/2008:
Studium der Informatik und Kommunikationsforschung an der Universität Bonn
- 2024: "Best Paper Award in the Category Smart People, 8th International Conference on Smart Data and Smart Cities (SDSC2024), Athens"
- 2023: "Best Paper Award in the Digital Construction: BIM Application Workshop, Geospatial Week, Cairo, Egypt"
- 2021: "Best Reviewer Award of the ISPRS Congress, Nice, France"
- 2019: "Best Paper Award at the 14th 3D GeoInfo Conference, Singapore"
- 2019: "Best Paper Award at the 4th International Conference on Smart Data and Smart Cities, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia"
- 2018: "Best Paper Award at the 3rd International Conference on Smart Data and Smart Cities, Delft, Netherlands"
Advisor of the International Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing working group IV/9 (ISPRS WG IV/9)
"Spatially Enabled Urban and Regional Digital Twins"
W. Li, J-H. Haunert, A. Forsch, J. Zhu, Q. Zhu, Y. Dehbi, Informed sampling and recommendation of cycling routes: leveraging crowd-sourced trajectories with weighted-latent Dirichlet allocation, International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 1-22,
J. Knechtel, P.Rottmann, J-H. Haunert, Y. Dehbi, Semantic floorplan segmentation using self-constructing graph networks, Automation in Construction, Volume 166, 2024, 105649, ISSN 0926-5805,
L. Arzoumanidis, J. O. Fethers, S. H. Mudiyanselage, Y. Dehbi (2024). Deep Generation of Synthetic Training Data for the Automated Extraction of Semantic Knowledge from Historical Maps. Abstracts of the International Cartographic Association. EuroCarto (2024), Vienna, Austria.
W. Li, L. Arzoumanidis, J. Matijevic, D. Mohammed, P. Rottmann, J.-H. Haunert, & Y. Dehbi (2024). Safety assessment of cycling routes in urban environments. Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XLVIII-4/W10-2024, 125–130, Smart Data and Smart Cities Conference, Athens, 2024. (Best Paper Award in the Category Smart People)
Arzoumanidis, L., Hecht, J., and Dehbi, Y.: Towards a Deep Automatic Generation of Figure-ground Maps, ISPRS Ann. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., X-4/W5-2024, 33–39,, 2024.
Weilian Li, Jun Zhu, Saied Pirasteh, Qing Zhu, Yukun Guo, Lan Luo, Youness Dehbi, A 3D virtual geographic environment for flood representation towards risk communication, 2024, International Journal of Applied Earth Observation.
Weilian Li, Jun Zhu, Qing Zhu, Zhang Jinbin, Xiao Han, Youness Dehbi. Visual attention-guided augmented representation of geographic scenes: A case of bridge stress visualization, International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 1-23, 2024.
A. Bolte, B. Niedermann, T. Kistemann, J.-H. Haunert, Y. Dehbi and T. Kötter. The green window view index: automated multi-source visibility analysis for a multi-scale assessment of green window views. Landscape Ecology 39, 71 (2024).
L. Arzoumanidis, A. Forsch, J.-H. Haunert and Y. Dehbi. Catchment cell visualization for multi-modal public transportation networks. 1st ACM SIGSPATIAL Workshop on Sustainable Mobility, Hamburg, 2023.
J. M.-Lietzkow, C. Nataliya and Y. Dehbi. FPOPlus: Cutting-Edge Technology for Sustainable Future Mobility. 1st ACM SIGSPATIAL Workshop on Sustainable Mobility, 2024.
W. Li, J.-H. Haunert, J. Knechtel, J. Zhu, Q. Zhu, and Y. Dehbi. Social Media Insights on Public Perception and Sentiment During and After Disasters: The European Floods in 2021 as a Case Study. Transactions in GIS, 27(6):1766-1793, 2023.
J. Knechtel, W. Li, Y. Orgeig, J.-H. Haunert and Y. Dehbi. Immersive virtual reality to verify the as-built state of electric line networks in buildings. n: Kolbe, T.H., Donaubauer, A., Beil, C. (eds) Recent Advances in 3D Geoinformation Science. 3DGeoInfo 2023. Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography. Springer, Cham.
J. Knechtel, J. Behmann, J.-H. Haunert and Y. Dehbi. Suitability Assessment of Different Sensors to Detect Hidden Installations for As-built BIM. SUITABILITY ASSESSMENT OF DIFFERENT SENSORS TO DETECT HIDDEN INSTALLATIONS FOR AS-BUILT BIM, ISPRS Ann. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., X-1/W1-2023, 263–270,, 2023. (Best Paper Award in the Digital Construction: BIM Application Workshop)
W. Li, N. Treff, F. Amann, J. Lehmen, Y. Dehbi and J.-H. Haunert. AN INTERACTIVE EVACUATION TOOL TO IMPROVE THE PUBLIC FLOOD PERCEPTION, Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XLVIII-1/W2-2023, 437–442,, 2023.
L. Arzoumanidis, J. Knechtel, J.-H. Haunert and Y. Dehbi. Self-Constructing Graph Convolutional Networks for Semantic Segmentation of Historical Maps. Abstracts of the International Cartographic Association, 6, 11, 2023. 31st International Cartographic Conference (ICC 2023), 13–18 August 2023, Cape Town, South Africa.
W. Li, Y. Guo, J.-H. Haunert, Y. Dehbi. Integrating cellular automata model into 3D representation for enhancing flood risk communication. Abstracts of the International Cartographic Association, 6, 139, 2023. 31st International Cartographic Conference (ICC 2023), 13–18 August 2023, Cape Town, South Africa.
Y. Dehbi, J. Knechtel, B. Niedermann, and J.-H. Haunert. Incremental constraint-based reasoning for estimating as-built electric line routing in buildings. Automation in Construction, 143:104571, 2022.
L. Weilian, Z. Jun, J.-H. Haunert, F. Lin, Z. Qing, and Y. Dehbi. Three-dimensional virtual representation for the whole process of dam-break floods from a geospatial storytelling perspective. International Journal of Digital Earth, 15:1637-1656, 2022.
P. Rottmann, J.-H. Haunert, and Y. Dehbi. Automatic building footprint extraction from 3d laserscans. ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, X-4/W2-2022:233-240, 2022.
Victor Korir, Axel Forsch, Youness Dehbi, and Jan-Henrik Haunert. Visualizing the modal split in public transportation networks. Abstracts of the ICA, 5:89, sep 2022.
J. Knechtel, L. Klingbeil, J.-H. Haunert, and Y. Dehbi. Optimal position and path planning for stop-and-go laserscanning for the acquisition of 3d building models. ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, V-4-2022:129-136, 2022.
W. Li, J. Zhu, S. Pirasteh, Q. Zhu, L. Fu, J. Wu, Y. Hu, and Y. Dehbi. Investigations of disaster information representation from a geospatial perspective: progress, challenges and recommendations. Transactions in GIS, 26(3):1376-1398, 2022.
Barramou, Fatimazahra, Khalifa Mansouri, and Youness Dehbi, eds. Geospatial Intelligence: Applications and Future Trends. Springer International Publishing, 2022.
Youness Dehbi, Johannes Leonhardt, Johannes Oehrlein, and Jan-Henrik Haunert. Optimal scan planning with enforced network connectivity for the acquisition of three-dimensional indoor models. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 180:103-116, 2021.
L. Lucks, L. Klingbeil, L. Plümer, and Y. Dehbi. Improving trajectory estimation using 3d city models and kinematic point clouds. Transactions in GIS, 25(1):238-260, 2021.
Y. Dehbi, A. Henn, G. Gröger, V. Stroh, and L. Plümer. Robust and fast reconstruction of complex roofs with active sampling from 3d point clouds. Transactions in GIS, 25(1):112-133, 2021.
Y. Dehbi, S. Koppers, and L. Plümer. Looking for a needle in a haystack: probability density based classification and reconstruction of dormers from 3d point clouds. Transactions in GIS, 25(1):44-70, 2021.
Axel Forsch, Youness Dehbi, Benjamin Niedermann, Johannes Oehrlein, Peter Rottmann, and Jan-Henrik Haunert. Multimodal travel-time maps with formally correct and schematic isochrones. Transactions in GIS, 25(6):3233-3256, 2021.
Y. Dehbi, L. Klingbeil, and L. Plümer. Uav mission planning for automatic exploration and semantic mapping. ISPRS - International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, XLIII-B1-2020:521-526, 2020
Y. Dehbi, A. Henn, G. Gröger, V. Stroh, and L. Plümer. Active sampling and model based prediction for fast and robust detection and reconstruction of complex roofs in 3d point clouds. In volume IV-4/W8 of ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Proc. 14th 3D Geoinfo Conference, pages 43-50. 2019. (Best Paper Award)
F. Biljecki, and Y. Dehbi. Raise the roof: towards generating lod2 models without aerial surveys using machine learning. In volume IV-4/W8 of ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Proc. 14th 3D Geoinfo Conference, pages 27-34. 2019.
Y. Dehbi, S. Koppers, and L. Plümer. Probability density based classification and reconstruction of roof structures from 3d point clouds. In volume XLII-4/W16 of ISPRS - International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Proc. 6th International Conference on Geomatics and Geospatial Technology, pages 177-184. 2019.
Y. Dehbi, L. Lucks, J. Behmann, L. klingbeil, and L. Plümer. Improving gps trajectories using 3d city models and kinematic point clouds. In volume IV-4/W9 of ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Proc. 4th International Conference on Smart Data and Smart Cities, pages 35-42. 2019. (Best Paper Award)
J. Oehrlein, A. Förster, D. Schunck, Y. Dehbi, R. Roscher, and J.-H. Haunert. Inferring routing preferences of bicyclists from sparse sets of trajectories. In volume IV-4/W7 of ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Proc. 3rd International Conference on Smart Data and Smart Cities, pages 107-114. 2018. (Best Paper Award)
Y. Dehbi, N. Gojayeva, A. R. Pickert, J.-H. Haunert, and L. Plümer. Room shapes and functional uses predicted from sparse data. In volume IV-4:33-40 of ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Proc. ISPRS Technical Commission IV Symposium. 2018.
Y. Dehbi, J.-H. Haunert, and L. Plümer. Stochastic and geometric reasoning for indoor building models with electric installations - bridging the gap between gis and bim. In volume IV-4/W5 of ISPRS Annals of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Proc. 12th 3D Geoinfo Conference, pages 33-39. 2017.
Y. Dehbi, S. Loch-Dehbi, and L. Plümer. Parameter estimation and model selection for indoor models based on sparse observations. In volume IV-2/W4 of ISPRS Annals of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Proc. ISPRS Geospatial Week 2017, pages 303-310. 2017.
Y. Dehbi, F. Hadiji, Gerhard Gröger, Kristian Kersting, and L. Plümer. Statistical relational learning of grammar rules for 3d building reconstruction. Transactions in GIS, 21(1):134-150, 2017.
S. Loch-Dehbi, Y. Dehbi, and L. Plümer. Estimation of 3d indoor models with constraint propagation and stochastic reasoning in the absence of indoor measurements. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 6(3), 2017.
Y. Dehbi, Gerhard Gröger, and L. Plümer. Identification and modelling of translational and axial symmetries and their hierarchical structures in building footprints by formal grammars. Transactions in GIS, 20(5):645-663, 2016.
Y. Dehbi. Statistical relational learning of semantic models and grammar rules for 3d building reconstruction from 3d point clouds. Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Bonn. Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, Germany, 2016. Dissertation.
Y Dehbi, C Staat, L Mandtler, and L Plümer. Incremental refinement of facade models with attribute grammar from 3d point clouds. In volume III-3 of ISPRS Annals of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Proc. XXIII ISPRS Congress, pages 311-316. 2016.
S. Loch-Dehbi, Y. Dehbi, G. Gröger, and L. Plümer. Prediction of building floorplans using logical and stochastic reasoning based on sparse observations. In volume IV-2/W1 of ISPRS Annals of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Proc. 11th 3D Geoinfo Conference, pages 265-270. 2016.
S. Loch-Dehbi, Y. Dehbi, and L. Plümer. Stochastic reasoning for uav supported reconstruction of 3d building models. In volume XL-1/W2 of ISPRS Annals of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Proc. UAV-g Conference 2013, pages 257-261. 2013.
Y. Dehbi, and L. Plümer. Learning grammar rules of building parts from precise models and noisy observations. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 66(2):166-6176, 2011. Quality, Scale and Analysis Aspects of Urban City Models.
Y. Dehbi, Jörg Schmittwilken, and L. Plümer. Learning semantic models and grammar rules of building parts. In Proc. 24th Workshop on Constraint Logic Programming (WLP 2010), pages 45-56. German University in Cairo, 2010.
Y. Dehbi, Jörg Schmittwilken, and L. Plümer. Learning semantic models and grammar rules of building parts. In volume XXXVIII-2/W11 of ISPRS Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Proc. of the ISPRS WG II/2+3+4 and Cost Workshop. Lund, Sweden 2009. 2009.
M.Sc. Lukas Arzoumanidis
- seit 05/2023:
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter und Doktorand an der HafenCity Universität Hamburg, Computational Methods - 07/2021 bis 03/2023:
Studentische Hilfskraft bei der Gruppe Geoinformation am Institut für Geodäsie und Geoinformation an der Universität Bonn - 10/2020 bis 12/2022:
Masterstudium Geodetic Engineering an der Universität Bonn - 04/2019 bis 09/2019:
Tutor der Geoinformation und Fernerkundung am geographischen Institut der Universität Bonn - 10/2018 bis 06/2021: Geoinformatiker bei Wasserverband Rhein-Sieg-Kreis
- 10/2017 bis 09/2020: Bachelorstudium der Geographie an der Universität Bonn
Lukas Arzoumanidis. Deep Learning trifft historische Karten: Trainingsinstanzen und Extraktion semantischen Wissens auf Knopfdruck. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kartographie e.V. (DGfK), CartoCafé 1/25. 09.01.2025.
Lukas Arzoumanidis, James Ormond Fethers, Sethmiya Herath Mudiyanselage, Youness Dehbi (2024). Deep Generation of Synthetic Training Data for the Automated Extraction of Semantic Knowledge from Historical Maps. Abstracts of the International Cartographic Association. EuroCarto (2024), Vienna, Austria.
Weilian Li, Lukas Arzoumanidis, Jannik Matijevic, Daham Mohammed, Peter Rottmann, Jan-Henrik Haunert, & Youness Dehbi (2024). Safety assessment of cycling routes in urban environments. Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XLVIII-4/W10-2024, 125–130, Smart Data and Smart Cities Conference, Athens, 2024.
Lukas Arzoumanidis., Jonathan Hecht, and Youness Dehbi: Towards a Deep Automatic Generation of Figure-ground Maps, ISPRS Ann. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., X-4/W5-2024, 33–39,, 2024.
Sven Gedicke, Lukas Arzoumanidis, and Jan-Henrik Haunert. Ein Algorithmus zur automatischen Platzierung taktischer Zeichen in der digitalen Lageskizze (2024). 112Rescue 2023. Sammelband des Tages der Sicherheitsforschung. Dortmund. 14.-17.06.2023.
Lukas Arzoumanidis, Axel Forsch, Jan-Henrik Haunert and Youness Dehbi. Catchment cell visualization for multi-modal public transportation networks. 1st ACM SIGSPATIAL Workshop on Sustainable Mobility, Hamburg, 2023.
Sven Gedicke, Lukas Arzoumanidis, and Jan-Henrik Haunert. Ein Algorithmus zur automatischen Platzierung taktischer Zeichen in der digitalen Lageskizze. Zeitschrift für Forschung und Technik im Brandschutz vfdb, 72(2):59-65, 2023.
Lukas Arzoumanidis, Julius Knechtel, Jan-Henrik Haunert and Youness Dehbi. Self-Constructing Graph Convolutional Networks for Semantic Segmentation of Historical Maps. Abstracts of the International Cartographic Association, 6, 11. 31st International Cartographic Conference (ICC 2023), Cape Town, South Africa.
Sven Gedicke, Lukas Arzoumanidis, and Jan-Henrik Haunert. Automating the External Placement of Symbols for Point Features in Situation Maps for Emergency Response. Cartography and Geographic Information Science, 50(4):385-402, 2023,
Dr. rer. nat. Son H. Nguyen
Jonathan Hecht
Jannik Matijevic
Lena Hildebrandt
Emily Walter
Leonie Schröder
Kontakt & Informationen
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Youness Dehbi
+49 40 428 27 - 5328
Raum 4.109
Henning-Voscherau-Platz 1
20457 Hamburg
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