Resource Efficiency in Architecture and Planning (REAP)

The Master of Science Degree Programme REAP – “Resource Efficiency in Architecture and Planning” is an international and interdisciplinary programme at HafenCity University Hamburg that is concerned with sustainable planning on different scales.

It aims to enable participants to promote sustainable architecture and urban development in different geographical and cultural settings.

Lectures and seminars are grouped around the central project work: real-time, real-world case studies, in which students, with help and guidance from faculty, develop recommendations and solutions for applied tasks. 

The REAP programme consists of 17 study modules taught over 2 academic years. During their studies, REAP students will obtain knowledge and skills within the following areas:

- Sustainability  
- Water, Material and Energy Cycles in the city 
- Resource efficient urban technologies and infrastructure  
- Economics and administration of buildings and urban services  
- Legal and policy instruments  
- Urban Planning on different scales
- Skills development: dimensioning, preception, assessment
  and decision making in the field of sustainable
  resource technologies
- Research methods and decision support techniques

REAP is not an architectural design course.

The master course is not focused on a single discipline -
it is interdisciplinary and follows an integrative and multidimensional planning approach.

What our Students say

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REAP Podcast