Thiel, Joachim; Grabher, Gernot; Dreher, Johannes; Fahnenmüller, Lennart (2019): Strong owners, weak clients? Client performance and innovation in two iconic architecture projects. Paper presented at the 35th EGOS Colloquium, July 4-6, 2019, Edinburgh, United Kingdom. Sub-theme 66: Temporality and project-based organizing
Thiel, Joachim und Grabher, Gernot (2018): Beyond the iron law? Large-scale construction projects as drivers of innovation. Paper presented at the 34th EGOS Colloquium, 5-7, 2018, Tallinn, Estonia. Sub-theme 52: Projects for Innovation: Managing Novelty and Uncertainty.
Accepted Abstracts for EGOS 2019 | Edinburgh | July 4-6
Grubbauer, Monika and Dimitrova, Venetsiya: Organizing the city through architectural projects: non-standard solutions, multi-sited cooperation, and stable networks in the construction of the “Elphilharmonie”, Hamburg. Sub-theme 43: Cities as Sites and Drivers of Organizational Action.