Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Jäschke

Immission Reduction in Urban Areas

Contact information


Martin Jäschke

Henning-Voscherau-Platz 1
20457 Hamburg

Room 4.143 (4.130)

Tel.: +49 (0) 40 / 42827 - 5161


Please send an email for arranging a consultation.

Be sure to read the following instructions, if applicable to your request.

Questions, suggestions and criticism are always welcome!

But: Please be so kind and enrich the module by writing your contribution directly on Moodle into "Forum - Machen Sie mit ...". This way, everyone will benefit and can join the discussion - and I won't have to answer similar questions several times individually, for example. That would be a lot of help to me.

Thank you very much!

You are welcome to write your thesis with my supervision any time.

The most important steps in this case are the following:

I) Think for yourself
If you have not already done so, please reflect as specifically as possible(!!!):
1) Which topic or topics would be suitable for you? - Which ones definitely not so.
2) Which methods (literature research, calculations, measurements, observations, surveys, interviews, ...) would you like to use? - Which of them under no circumstances?
3) Whom would you consider as a second supervisor - Whom not?

II) Exchange your ideas with me
4) Contact me via email to schedule a consultation.
5) During this consultation we will clarify additonal details together. Possibly we will then already have found your topic or - if not - we will simply meet again.

As you can see, it is very important to me that you find a topic which motivates or even inspires you.

Regarding the thesis, please also note the following information:
- general rules (ASPO), which apply to all courses of study.
- special rules (BSPO), which additionally apply to your study program, e.g. for BIW-Bachelor or BIW-Master.

A selection of completed thesis topics can be found here.

Information on the layout of student term papers and theses can be found here.

In addition, we have compiled small handouts for you on the work steps of a term paper or thesis (in German):

       0. Exposé

  1. Themenfindung und Forschungsfrage
  2. Literaturrecherche und Quellenauswahl
  3. Lesetechniken und Exzerpte
  4. Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten und Zitieren
  5. Wissenschaftliches Schreiben, Redigieren und Eigenkritik

In addition, you will find overview documents on various methods that you can use in your term paper or thesis (in German):

A) Interviews
B) Umfragen
C) Beobachtungsstudien

Important note: These documents are intended to give you a first impression to help you choose your topic and the appropriate method - however, it is essential that you read relevant literature on the chosen method for your thesis! You will also find references to such in the handout.

*** Important information: From 30.05.2022 onward, this task will be performed by Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Manuel Krahwinkel


Please send me an email so that I can inform you about the next available appointment.

Do not do this at the last minute - e.g. you are not able to contact me during my vacation.

Inform yourself in advance about your topic, e.g. exceeding the standard period of study, part-time studies, leave of absence, ...

Please never submit your documents directly to me, but solely as described here

I can only accredit modules for which I am the module supervisor.

For accreditation, please proceed as follows:

1) Fill out the respective recognition form entirely, which you can find here.

2) Send me the following documents via email as easily readable PDFs:
a) the filled accreditation form from step no. 1
b) all(!) required records, i.e. for all modules that you want to have accredited by me, in each case
-- title, extent (ECTS or CP or similar) and content of the module according to the module card or equivalent as well as
-- type, extent (duration!) and result of all examinations.
The records must be official documents of your "old" university. The documents must be complete. Please check this BEFORE you send them to me!

3) I will review your request based on the submitted documents and place my singnature in the applicable column of the accreditation form if everything is okay.
Note: My decision is subject to the approval of the examination board.

4) Continue with the next steps described here.

Please contact the respective person matching your request. I will not forward your e-mails! 

Key Areas

- Prevention and control of environmental stress factors
- Protection of unstrained areas
- Noise, light, air, ...
- Quality of life, well-being and health
- Organizational development, communication, mediation, ...


Academic career
1987-1993 Diploma in Physics, University of Göttingen
1998-2007 Diploma in Environmental Science, University of Koblenz-Landau, while in employment
2005-2011 Master of Organizational Psychology, Fern-Universität Hagen, while in employment
2008-2013 Engineering Doctorate at the Leibniz Institute for Ecological and Regional Development (IÖR) and at the TU Dresden, Faculty of Architecture, while in employment.
Topic: Noise Mapping and Quiet Areas

Job experience
1993 - 1995 University of Göttingen
1997 - 1999 Environmental Office, City of Göttingen
1999 - 2004 Regional Council Darmstadt and Gießen: Immission and Radiation Protection
2005 - 2016 Hessian State Office for Environment and Geology: Immission Control
since 2016   HafenCity University Hamburg

Research Associate

- Empirical Social Research
- Sociology of the Environment and Technology, Social Psychology
- Social and Ecological Sustainability
- Built Environment
- Digitalization

2018 - 2021 M.A. Empirical Political and Social Research, University of Stuttgart
2015 - 2018 B.Sc. Social Sciences, University of Cologne

Working title: 
Sustainable digitalization of the construction industry -
Potentials for and challenges to the agency of building professionals using "digital solutions" towards a future-proof sector

Wintersemester 2024/25:


"The improbable coalition of the “twin” green and digital transitions"
Q-Studies (BA)
WED, every 2 weeks
2:15 - 5:45 pm


"Communication and Presentation (BIW/GEO)"
Skills (BA)
FRI, every 2 weeks
12:15 - 3:45 pm

Collection and creation of Open Educational Resources and their publication on the platform
of the Hamburg Open Online University (HOOU), in order to provide information developed
according to scientific standards, about the socio-ecological local and global entanglements
of building materials to a broad public in a narrative way; lead: Prof. Sabine Hansmann,
head of the department "Architecture, Space and Society".

Project website: https://blogs.hoou.de/materialnetworks/

Uhrig, Alisa (2019). Ausblick: Nachhaltige Digitalität? Interview zum Thema Digitalisierung in und für
          umweltsoziologische(r) Forschung. In: Lukas Sattlegger/Larissa Deppisch/Markus Rudolfi (Eds.).
          Methoden umweltsoziologischer Forschung. Tagungsband der 15. Tagung der Nachwuchs-
          gruppe Umweltsoziologie. Frankfurt am Main, ISOE - Institut für sozial-ökologische
          Forschung, 167–175.

Available online (in German)

Wintersemester 2024/25:

Tuesdays, 1 pm
Upon request (via email)
Via Zoom or at the office

Alisa Uhrig

Henning-Voscherau-Platz 1
20457 Hamburg

Room 4.143 (4.131)

Tel.: +49 (0) 40 / 42827 - 4398


Engineering Mathematics I and II

- Tutor for Engineering Mathematics I and II

- Mehrdad Nourbakhsh: Research Associate, 2016-2019

- Engineering Mathematics I and II
- Theoretical-Conceptual Basics
- Traffic Planning and Infrastructure
- Calculating Noise and Planning Noise Reduction Measures
- Environmental Protection
- Environmental Protection and Scientific Work

- Paradigm Shift
- Planning Procedures
- Immission and Noise Protection
- Noise Protection (TU Hamburg)

The cross-curricular project MINTFIT Hamburg offers prospective STEM (German: MINT) students anonymous and free online tests and courses in mathematics, physics, chemistry and computer science (www.mintfit.hamburg). In 2019/2020, the HCU co-developed the MINTFIT computer science test, which prospective students can use to prepare for computer science content in their STEM studies. For this purpose, computer science lecturers throughout Germany were surveyed on topics relevant to them and the results were scientifically published.

In the MINTFIT e-assessment part of the project, lecturers at Hamburg's universities are supported in conducting electronic examinations. At HCU Hamburg, mathematics exams are being converted from paper to digital. For this purpose, tasks were redesigned and implemented in an examination system (WeBWorK). This required a lot of preparatory work, but offers many advantages, as the exams are corrected "at the push of a button", students receive their results faster and, for example, paper is saved as well. The testing center of the Hamburg MINT universities, which is set up on the TUHH campus and also used by the HCU, consists of 100 laptops. It is coordinated by the Arbeitsstelle MINTFIT Hamburg (AMH), which is a joint institution of the Hamburg MINT universities.

You are welcome to write your thesis with my supervision any time.

The most important steps in this case are the following:

I) Think for yourself
If you have not already done so, please reflect as specifically as possible(!!!):
1) Which topic or topics would be suitable for you? - Which ones definitely not so.
2) Which methods (literature research, calculations, measurements, observations, surveys, interviews, ...) would you like to use? - Which of them under no circumstances?
3) Whom would you consider as a second supervisor - Whom not?

II) Exchange your ideas with me
4) Contact me via email to schedule a consultation.
5) During this consultation we will clarify additonal details together. Possibly we will then already have found your topic or - if not - we will simply meet again.

As you can see, it is very important to me that you find a topic which motivates or even inspires you.

Regarding the thesis, please also note the following information:
- general rules (ASPO), which apply to all courses of study.
- special rules (BSPO), which additionally apply to your study program, e.g. for BIW-Bachelor or BIW-Master.

A selection of completed thesis topics can be found here.

Information on the layout of student term papers and theses can be found here.

In addition, we have compiled small handouts for you on the work steps of a term paper or thesis (in German):

       0. Exposé

  1. Themenfindung und Forschungsfrage
  2. Literaturrecherche und Quellenauswahl
  3. Lesetechniken und Exzerpte
  4. Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten und Zitieren
  5. Wissenschaftliches Schreiben, Redigieren und Eigenkritik

In addition, you will find overview documents on various methods that you can use in your term paper or thesis (in German):

A) Interviews
B) Umfragen
C) Beobachtungsstudien

Important note: These documents are intended to give you a first impression to help you choose your topic and the appropriate method - however, it is essential that you read relevant literature on the chosen method for your thesis! You will also find references to such in the handout.

  • Moosbasierte Lösungen zur Feinstaubreduktion im urbanen Raum. Möglichkeiten und Grenzen – eine vergleichende Untersuchung
  • Verträglichkeit von Protected Intersections mit Bedürfnissen des Fußverkehrs. Ein Vergleich regelkonformer Kreuzungen in den Niederlanden und Hamburg
  • Pavement-Management-System (PMS) für kommunale Straßen: Untersuchung am Beispiel der Stadt Hamburg
  • Dimensionierung des Straßenoberbaus von Bundesfernstraßen. Vergleich der Regelwerke RDO mit RStO
  • Anforderungen an ein systematisches Erhaltungsmanagement für Nebenflächen. Untersuchungen am Beispiel der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg
  • Einwegbecher in der Cafeteria der HafenCity Universität Hamburg. Studie zur Diskrepanz zwischen Umweltbewusstsein und Umweltverhalten
  • Untersuchung des Verkehrs- und Mobilitätsverhaltens an der HafenCity Universität
  • Entwicklung von Einsatzkriterien für Planungsvarianten des Radverkehrs mit Hilfe von Experteninterviews. Erstellung von Planungsentwürfen anhand einer ausgewählten signalisierten Knotenpunktzufahrt
  • Umweltverträglichkeitsprüfung von Neubaustrecken im Schienenverkehrsnetz. Lückenschluss im schienengebundenen Nahverkehr zwischen Buxtehude und Altona, Hamburg
  • Im Dialog mit der Nachbarschaft. Untersuchung und Evaluation einer projektbegleitenden Baustellenkommunikation bei privaten Bauvorhaben
  • Wie wirken sich energetische Sanierungsmaßnahmen auf Umwelt und Bewoh-ner aus? Bewertung am Beispiel von Wohngebäuden in Mümmelmannsberg
  • Schalltechnische Untersuchung des Gebietes Hillenklint (Seevetal. Kombination der Ergebnisse aus Befragung, Messungen und Berechnungen
  • Elektromobilität – Analyse der Nachhaltigkeit durch Experteninterviews
  • Verkehrssicherheit im Straßenraum am Beispiel Alte Landstraße: Analyse und Verbesserungspotential
  • Vergleich der Lebensqualität in den zwei Lübecker Wohngebieten St.-Annen-Straße und Sternenring
  • Diesel-Durchfahrtsbeschränkungen in Hamburg: Eine Analyse auf Grundlage von Befragungen Betroffener am Beispiel der Stresemannstraße
  • Umgestaltung einer Straßenkreuzung zu einem Kreisverkehr. Vergleich zwischen der herkömmlichen Planungsmethode und BIM
  • Vergleich des Heizvlieses „Feegoo“ mit einem konventionellen Heizsystem
  • Was kann getan werden, um die Kosten im Rahmen der Gebäudezertifizierung zu begrenzen am Beispiel von ausgewählten Bauteilen
  • Experteninterviews zum Fluglärm in Hamburg. Wer will was und was wäre gemeinsam möglich?
  • Licht in der Stadt
  • Baulärmschutz in der Praxis – explorative Experteninterviews

Are you interested in environmental protection and psychology?
Then the Initiative Psychologie im Umweltschutz e.V. (IPU; engl.: "Initiative for Psychology in Environmental Protection") is the right place for you!

Here you will find:

- the latest findings in environmental psychology research
- online lectures and other educational materials
- networking opportunities and conferences
- internship platform
- theses
- and much more!

Discover the world of environmental psychology at
https://ipu-ev.de/ (in German)


Key Areas

- Prevention and control of environmental stress factors
- Protection of unstrained areas
- Noise, light, air, ...
- Quality of life, well-being and health
- Organizational development, communication, mediation, ...

- GIS, computer simulations, calculations
- Measurements
- Interviews, surveys, observations
- Literature and data analysis
- ...

Ruhige Gebiete ("Quiet Areas")

Find out more: www.ruhige-gebiete.de