Processing the results of academic work for publication and making them available to both the academic world and the interested public in the form of a publication is a central element of a university.
As of December 1, 2023, the library has been running a Current Research Information System (CRIS), an internal database on the various research activities of scientists at HafenCity University Hamburg (HCU). In the future, all HCU publications will be listed here as well and will be made visible via a research portal (further information on the CRIS).
As a library, we support researchers, teachers and students with our services:
Use the possibilites of a reference management programme already durring your research. Collect and manage citations, references and full text and save or edit them alone or together in a working group.
Within the framework of a campus licence, the library offers all members of the HCU free use of the software-based reference managent Citavi.
> Reference management with Citavi
Depending on the subject area or operating system, numerous programmes other that Citavi , e.g. web-bases systems, can also be advantageous.
Would you like to publish your research findings as an open access paper or publish your doctoral thesis?
The library offers members and graduates of the HCU the opportunity to publish their own work on the repOS publication server free of charge and freely accessible worldwide in the spirit of open access.
You have the opportunity to publish research work quickly and easily and with a permanently citable URN or DOI.
The works are permanently archived and listed in international catalogues and databases.
> to repOS
> to upload (registration required)
How do I publish ...
> ... my dissertation
> ... my thesis (bachelor thesis, master thesis ...)

The library offers advisory service, coffee lectures and workshops on this topic.
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