In a six-semester degree course, the students are taught the technical and methodological basic knowledge for the purposeful examination of planning questions, enabling them to apply these knowledge and skills in three study projects as well as in the urban design. The progamme aims at:
In Hamburg, research and teaching at a university level have already had a tradition of more than 30 years in the comparatively young discipline of planning. The students of the bachelor's degree program can benefit from these many years of experience.
- Mediation of the ability to analyze spatially effective economic, ecological and social processes and their interactions
- The ability to transform analysis results into viable action plans
- The central study projects in the bachelor's degree course are intended to enable interdisciplinary and cooperative work
- The ability to learn, to conduct research, and to develop professional and methodical skills
The study programme has a six-semester study period and is awarded with the Bachelor of Science degree. The Bachelor of Science is a professional qualification, offers an introduction to the professional world of urban planning and qualifies to the Master’s degree course.
The field of attention and the special feature of the Bachelor’s degree programme at HCU Hamburg is the focus on the complex problems and areas of action of national and international metropolitan regions. On the one hand, urban planning requires cross-sectional knowledge and competences, while visions, creativity and a wealth of ideas are required for planning in cities, neighborhoods and districts. In the Bachelor's programme, knowledge and skills are taught in order to develop future-oriented solutions for the cities.
The Bachelor of Science degree program is structured as follows:
The first two semesters of study are characterized by a special emphasis on the mediation of interdisciplinary content. In the first and in part even in the second year of studies, there are various basic subjects. The most important teaching forms are lectures, exercises and project work. The aim of the first year of studies is to provide an introduction to the most important areas of urban planning as well as basic methods and techniques of urban planning and scientific work.
The fifth and sixth semesters serve to deepen and prepare for the Bachelor's degree. The study project and the internship prepare especially for professional practice. The study year ends with the processing of bachelor thesis. The successful bachelor's degree is a requirement for taking part in master's courses.
Hamburg offers with its very different districts, the city’s structures, its strong network with the surrounding region, its interdependence with the region, its reach to Schleswig-Holstein, Lower Saxony and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, especially by trade, port and logistics, internationally oriented industrial and service companies, a strongly developed media economy and a rich cultural life diverse contact opportunities and “laboratory situations“ of spatial development.
With the development of the HafenCity and the international building exhibition in Wilhelmsburg, within the framework of the long-term strategy “Leap across the elbe“, sophisticated and innovative projects are being pursued in Hamburg. These offer particularly interesting subjects for studying in the field of urban and spatial development.

1983 - 2013 // 30 Jahre Stadtplanung TUHH - HCU
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The classical fields of work as an urban planner are in private planning offices, urban renewal and urban development companies and in the planning administration. For example in municipalities, planning associations and federal states. The urban planner deals with design and legal issues of planning and development in cities, districts and regions.
In addition to this, planners are also active in related fields of activity to planning and development, such as planning and management of technical infrastructures, the transport and energy supply sectors, site consulting, project development and real estate management as well as spatial research.
The bachelor's programme in urban planning welcomes exchange students from all over the world. Student with a good command of the German language can benefit from the wide range of course in urban planning and other disciplines at HCU. Your choice of course is subject to your learning agreement. Students with limited proficiency in German should select course in English.
For more information please visit the website of the International Office.
Informationen für Gast- und Nebenhörer*innen finden Sie hier.
General Information
Application Process
Stadtplanung bei studieren.de
Der Studiengang Stadtplanung an der Hafencity Universität wird auf der Seite studieren.de vorgestellt und ist ebenfalls mit einem Eintrag im Ideenfächer vertreten.
After completion of the online study orientation, you can contact the Infothek for further information regarding the application process. The programme management is happy to answer you questions regarding the programme structure. If you are still in doubt, contact the academic counsellor.