Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jörg Rainer Noennig (Professur Digital City Science)
Digital City Science - Exploring Urban Systems
Digital City Science at HCU explores urban complexity with digital technologies. Our team develops scientific new approaches for the analysis and integrative planning of urban systems. For this purpose, the team comprises expertise in architectural design, urban and spatial planning, media technology, IT, and software development, among others. In cooperation with partners from academia, business, administration, and civil society, we develop data-based tools and methodologies that are applied in the national and international context. Our scientific activities span from fundamental research across applied projects to knowledge transfer in scientific teaching and training.
Research Focus
Convergence of sustainable and digital city research: In projects like „Sustainable Development of Urban Regions“ or the Grasbrook City Scope we explore how two megatrends of current urban research – the digital transformation of cities and the demand for sustainable urban development – can be converged within a unified scientific framework.
Multi-layer Analysis of Urban Systems: In projects like Grasbrook City Scope (a cooperation with the MIT Media Lab) we investigate how multiple functional and physical layers of urban systems can be analysed and cross-connected, e.g. social activities, transportation and accessibility, noise emission, or stormwater runoff, or. The key instrument here is Agent-Based-Models.
Smart Quarter and Smart Building Data: In investigations on smart buildings and neighbourhoods in the context of the HafenCity and Kleiner Grasbrook urban development, as well as in teaching courses like „Data Café“, we explore how data from the „internet of buildings“ can be used for the purpose of intelligent urban development.
Integrated Urban Development worldwide: In international cooperations with the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ), among others, we search for new approaches how the rapid evolution of urban agglomerations and informal settlements especially in the Global South can be supported by open source tools like the „TOSCA Toolkit or Open and Sustainable City Planning and Analysis“.
Seminars, Workshops, Teaching
Digital City Science Blog
Hier nehmen wir Sie mit auf eine Reise durch unsere internationalen Forschungsprojekte, spannende Forschungsreisen und innovative Ideen. Unter dem Claim "Exploring Urban Systems" teilen wir unsere Vision und Ansätze zur Gestaltung nachhaltiger, intelligenter Städte. Entdecken Sie unsere Arbeit, lernen Sie unser engagiertes Team kennen und erfahren Sie, wie Sie als zukünftiger Mitarbeiter oder Kooperationspartner Teil dieser faszinierenden Forschungsgemeinschaft werden können.
Besuchen Sie unser Blog, um mehr über uns zu erfahren.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jörg Rainer Noennig
HafenCity Universität Hamburg
Henning-Voscherau-Platz 1
20457 Hamburg
Campus Tower
Versmannstraße 2
20457 Hamburg
Digital City Science online
Digital Launch "SURE Solutions" Science mag
SURE Solutions is a science magazine bridging academic knowledge and practical implementation for a sustainable urban future. Unveiled at the UN Habitat World Urban Forum with some of the contributing authors.
You can download it here: SURE Solutions Vol.1
Over 50 contributors from Germany, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, China, and beyond, sharing actionable insights on urban resilience, sustainable infrastructure, climate adaptation, and more in the first Volume of the SURE Solutions magazine.
Physical Launch Event coming soon!
Digital City Science at SmartCity Expo Barcelona
Together with our partners Laboratory of Knowledge Architecture (Technische Universität Dresden)
Landesbetrieb Immobilienmanagement und Grundvermögen, Landesbetrieb Straßen, Brücken und Gewässer (LSBG)
TÜV Rheinland Groupwe attended the Smart City Expo World Congress in Barcelona!
As a special guest we had Mirko de Paoli (German Smart City Association / Bundesverband Smart City)
with us. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jörg Noennig, Benjamin Dally, Fernando Montaño and Mehmet Akif Ortak presented the chair's tools and projects.
ARTUR Workshop with Ukrainian cities in Kiev
Monday 4th of November, researchers from the HafenCity University (HCU) Hamburg met with representatives of the Ukrainian cities of Kryvyi Rih and Nikopol, in the Headquarters of the GIZ-UA in Kiev. The purpose of this meeting was to carry out a hybrid workshop, with participants on ground and online, as well as coordinators of the GIZ-UA; within the framework of the SUR cooperation project "Strengthening of Urban Resilience in the Areas of Supply Infrastructure and Housing in Ukraine”. The goal of the workshop was to align with the two piloting cities of the ARTUR project (Approaches toward urban resilience in Ukraine), developed by the team of HCU, on the prioritisation of challenges with the support of the developed framework in the ARTUR project.
TOSCA India Successfully Concluded
The TOSCA India project, led by the Chair of Digital City Science at HafenCity University Hamburg (HCU), has successfully concluded in October 2024. Launched in February 2023, the project was implemented in partnership with Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH and funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). It focused on supporting sustainable urban development in four Indian cities: Chennai (Tamil Nadu), Kochi (Kerala), Mangaluru (Karnataka), and Hyderabad (Telangana).