
February 13-14, 2023
First International Workshop on Urban Future Making
Conceiving Cities, Understanding Interdisciplinarity

February 13, 2023
Public Lecture: David Stark
This is not a test! Testing after preparedness

06.12.2022 | 20.12. | 10.01. | 24.01 | 07.02.2023
Public Lecture Series
Constructing Urgencies, Inventing Futures

June 9, 2022
GCEG | Special Session with Lars Coenen
Experimenting the City: Between incremental projectification and urban transformation

June 8, 2022
GCEG | Special Session with Koen Frenken
From disruption to domination: Trajectories and geographies of platformization

November 20-22, 2019
International and Interdisciplinary Conference
Edge Conference

June 10, 2018
Public Lecture: Stoyan V. Sgourev
The Radicalization of Ideas: Marginality and Mobility in the Art World

30.11.2017 | 11.01. | 18.01. | 25.01 | 01.02.2018
Vorsprung durch Vernetzung? Regionale Clusterpolitik auf dem Prüfstand

13.01. | 20.01. | 27.01.2017
Die Sharing Economy: Konzepte, Erfahrungen, Perspektiven

12.01. | 19.01. | 26.01. | 02.02.2017
Open Labs, Cluster, Open Regions: Regionalpolitik in der Wissensökonomie

SEPTEMBER 19-20, 2016
Third International Workshop on the Sharing Economy
Program | Keynote: Gernot Grabher

MARCH, 31 2016
AAG Annual Conference | Sharing Economy Paper Sessions
Session 1: Shared Mobility / Session 2: Transition / Session 3: Sociality and Valuation

JANUARY 12, 2016
HafenCity Lectures: Olympic Fever 5
John Lauerman | Learning from failed Olympic bids?

DECEMBER 8, 2015
HafenCity Lectures: Olympic Fever 4
Martin Müller | Olympic Games and Democracy

NOVEMBER 24, 2015
HafenCity Lectures: Olympic Fever 3
Marisol Garcia | The Barcelona Model?

NOVEMBER 10, 2015
HafenCity Lectures: Olympic Fever 2
Eva Kassens-Noor | Urban Infrastructure

OCTOBER 20, 2015
HafenCity Lectures: Olympic Fever 1
Andrew Zimbalist | A Waste of Money?

OCTOBER 13, 2015
Book Presentation: Perspectives in Metropolitan Research
The Management of Mega-Projects | Key Note: Andrew Davies, University College London

JUNE 4.2014
Public Lecture
Mark Lorenzen | Diversity and Dharma: How Social Capital and Networks shape Bollywood

MAY 6.2014
Public Lecture
Johannes Glückler | The Internet, Image Trade, and the City

OCTOBER 24-25.2013
DFG Research Workshop
Field Configuring Events

APRIL 4.2013
AAG Annual Conference | Paper Session
Olympic cities and the London 2012 experience Pt. I (Chair: G. Grabher) / Pt. II (Chair: J. Thiel)

APRIL 4.2013
AAG Annual Conference | Paper Session
Geographies of Global Change: Finance and Emerging Markets (Chair: T. Heinemann)

JANUARY 17-18.2013
International Conference
Constructing Resilience

JANUARY 9-11.2013
International Workshop
Global Gateways, Local Dead-Ends? The Transformation of Port Cities

JANUARY 9.2013
Public Lecture
A new hope: From deadlocks to grand schemes for Philadelphia's riverfront

NOVEMBER 1-2.2012
Regional Studies Association Early Career Conference 2012
Times of Change: Future Directions in Geography, Urban and Regional Studies

NOVEMBER 2-3.2012
Research Workshop
Low-Budget-Urbanity. A Socio-Material Perspective

OCTOBER 30.2012
Public Lecture
Jane Pollard | The rise and fall of Northern Rock: some lessons from finalcializing capital

MAY 10.2011
Public Lecture
Johanna Hautala | Spaces of Knowledge: Knowledge creation in academic research groups

MAY 3-4.2012
Regional Studies Association Workshop
Crisis in Europe, Europe in Crisis, Financial Markets, Regions, Cities and Uneven Development

MAY 2.2011
Public Lecture
Roger Lee | 'Alternative economies'? The (im)possibilities of development in finance capitalism

APRIL 26.2011
Public Lecture
Lars Frederiksen | Renew, reuse, reinforce: Shaping the emerging global market for 'eco-cities'

NOVEMBER 3-4.2011
Regional Studies Association Workshop
Theorizing the experience economy: towards a future agenda?

NOVEMBER 2.2011, 18:00-20:00
Public Lecture
David Stark | Satisfaction guaranteed. The transformation of shopping-malls in mega churches

AUGUST 18-20.2011
Port City Networks - Interdependencies of Global Shipping Networks & Urban Transformation

NOVEMBER 24.2010
Lecture Series: Regeneration Games 3
Mike Raco | Visibilities and Invisibilities in Urban Development: The London Olympics 2012

NOVEMBER 18.2010
Lecture Series: Regeneration Games 2
Klaus Grewe | Planung für danach: Projektmanagement für die Olympischen Spiele London

NOVEMBER 11.2010
Lecture Series: Regeneration Games 1
Duncan Fox, Steve Shaw | Long Term Legacy from the London Olympics

MAY 20.2010
Public Lecture
Henry Wai-chung Yeung | Globalizing Singapore

OCTOBER 21.2009
Public Lecture
Ash Amin | Culture and the Urban Economy

JULY 09.2009
Public Lecture
David Stark | Search - when you don't know what you are looking for