Transcript of Records
The Transcript of Records is an official listing of all study and course achievements obtained so far, including earned Credit Points (CP) and the current overall grade. Please note that only achievements of fully completed modules will be stated.
The Transcript of Records can be issued in German or in English.
During your enrolment in the respective study programme, you are entitled to request two Transcript of Records per semester free of charge. Each additional copy as well as the issuance of a Transcript of Records after your deregistration from the university is subject to charges.
Certified copies of a Transcript of Records will not be produced. However, further copies can be requested at the Student Service Center for an administration fee of 15.00 EUR per copy. Please note that additional postage fees will be charged for the postal delivery.
Clearance certificate
The clearance certificate confirms that you did not fail the last attempt of a mandatory exam during your studies in the respective study programme at the HafenCity Universität (HCU).
If you do have a final failure in an exam, you cannot be provided with a clearance certificate. However, you are still obliged to request a Transcript of Records.