If all course work and examination performances required for your degree have been successfully finished and all exam results were entered into the ahoi system, you can request your degree certificates.
They include the examination certificate, degree certificate, diploma supplement, and the final academic transcript (Transcript of Records). These documents will be issued in German and in an English translation.
Usually, degree certificates will be issued within twelve weeks.
The date of the final examination is the day on which you fully completed your last exam performance, regardless of the date of its evaluation. Should your last exam performance be a recognition of a previous exam achievement, the date of the final examination will be the day of the recognition’s approval.
Should you need to prove your degree before the receipt of your degree certificates, you can be provided with a preliminary confirmation of achieved academic degree about the completion of your studies by requesting it via email at the Student Service Center.
The Student Service Center at the HafenCity Universität (HCU) Hamburg is only allowed to produce certified copies of documents which were issued by the HCU examination office itself. These documents include examination certificates, degree certificates, transcript of records as part of the certificate documents and diploma supplements for a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree.
Issuing certified copies is subject to charges:
Please note that additional postage fees will be charged for the postal delivery.
If you would like to receive certified copies of your degree certificates, please send a written request by letter or email to the Student Service Center. After you have specified exactly for which documents you want to request a certified copy, a notification of fees will be sent to you by letter. As soon as the HCU received the respective payment of the fees, the certified copies will be issued.
Please note that additional postage fees will be charged for the postal delivery.
Before the certificates can be duplicated, you are obliged to assure the definite loss of the original documents via a signed affidavit. In case of the reappearance of the original documents at a later date, they need to be returned to the Student Service Center at the HCU Hamburg.
If you would like to receive a duplicate, please send a written request by letter or email to the Student Service Center and state your current address. Afterwards, the notification of fees and the affidavit form will be sent to you by letter.