Admission requirements
1. Proving a first academic degree
If the result of your first academic degree is not available before the end of the application period, please submit a simple copy of your Transcript of Records showing your current Grade Point Average (GPA) and academic records with a minimum of 130 Credit Points (CP) reached. HCU internal students print the Transcript of Records directly from the ahoi account.
Please note that at least 75 CP need to result from already graded achievements. At the beginning of your master studies, outstanding examination achievements shall not exceed 15 CP. With the application for enrolment you have to submit a declaration saying that the expected outstanding examination achievements of 15 CP will be provided not later than until the end of the first semester of your master studies.
The evidence of your obtained first academic degree has to be submitted by the 15th of the second month of your second semester during your master studies. If you do not acquire your first academic degree in due time, a deregistration from the university will be processed and internal HCU students will be demoted to the respective bachelor study programme.
2. Language skills
Applicants who aquired their fisrt academic degree abroad, have to prove sufficient German language skills.
The page German language skills contains information about which German language certificates are accepted.
The master degree programmes Geodesy and Geoinformatics (only specialisation Hydrography) and REAP conducted entirely in English so you don't require proof of German language skills, although you do need to submit proof of English language skills.
The page English language skills contains information about which English language certificates are accepted for your desired master programme.
3. Further requirements for the Master degree programmes
Additionally, several master degree programmes require further supporting documents. You can find specific details about "your" master degree programme in the checklist as well as in the specific regulations of your desired master degree programme.