Certification according to BuildingSMART and VDI

BIM Basic Module (LOF-bSI-Basis-D)

according to the Learning Outcome Framework "buildingSMART International Professional Certification Programme (Individual Qualification)

The basic course on Building Information Modelling (BIM) at HafenCity University Hamburg (HCU Hamburg) is certified according to the standards jointly defined by buildingSMART and the Association of German Engineers (VDI). Students at HCU Hamburg are allowed to take the exam according to the "Learning Outcome Framework" of buildingSMART and receive a certificate of basic knowledge in digital construction, planning and operation of buildings. With this certification, HCU Hamburg guarantees compliance with learning objectives and the teaching of content in its BIM basic courses in accordance with the quality criteria and requirements of buildingSMART and VDI.

The certificate for training in BIM awarded by buildingSMART and VDI to further education institutions adopts the specifications of buildingSMART International. By being listed as a training institution for BIM, HCU Hamburg enables its students to acquire a qualification in Building Information Modelling in accordance with international standards. Certified institutions undertake to use the buildingSMART International online final examination. In 2018, buildingSMART and VDI certified 14 further education institutions across Germany as qualified BIM trainers for the first time. The listed institutions are authorised to issue the "buildingSMART/VDI Certificate BIM Qualifications - Basic Knowledge" to their course participants in future.

Prof. Daniel Mondino, Chair of Digital Integrated Process Management - Planning, Building Information Modelling (BIM), HCU Hamburg: "For HCU Hamburg, the listing is an important milestone in the development of our BIM expertise. With the courses, we not only want to provide our students with the necessary basic knowledge in the field of Building Information Modelling, but also offer opportunities to prove this knowledge with a certificate."


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