Professorship History and Theory of the City

Prof. Dr. Monika Grubbauer

Monika Grubbauer has been head of the History and Theory of the City department since 2015. In teaching, the department teaches the historical and theoretical foundations of urban and spatial development and offers various thematic events and project teaching on current issues of urban research. Research activities at the department focus on planning-related and interdisciplinary urban research as well as planning and spatial theory.

Monika Grubbauer is member of the academic senate at HCU and trustee of the Hans-Böckler-Foundation. She is member of the Research Committee 21 on the Sociology of Urban and Regional Development (RC21) in the International Sociological Association (ISA) and member of the German Gesellschaft für Stadtgeschichte und Urbanisierungsforschung.

Teaching at the Professorship History and Theory of the City

History and Theory of the City

Current position

Since 08/2015 Full professor in History and Theory of the City at HafenCity University Hamburg

Previous academic positions

11/2014 – 08/2015: DAAD Postdoc fellow, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexiko City

09/2009 – 08/2014: Research and teaching associate, Department of Architecture, Darmstadt University of Technology


2003 – 2009: PhD in Social and Economic Sciences, Institute of Sociology, Faculty of Architecture and Planning, Vienna University of Technology

1993 – 2001: Diploma in Architecture, University of Applied Arts, Vienna

Academic functions

Since 2022: Spokesperson of the DFG-funded Research Training Group "Urban future-making: Professional agency across time and scale"

Since 2022: Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Leibniz Institute for Spatial Social Research (IRS)

Since 2022: Member of the Sounding Board of the Research Center for New Social Housing, TU Vienna

Since 2015: Liaison professor Hans-Böckler-Foundation

07/2013 – 07/2014: Member of Board of Spokespersons of the Urban Research Area, Darmstadt University of Technology

10/2012 – 07/2014: Directory Board, International Master of Science program Mundus Urbano: International Cooperation and Urban Development, Darmstadt University of Technology

Reviewer activities

Scientific institutions: Alexander von Humboldt Foundation | Austrian Academy of Science (DOC Program) | European Research Council (ERC) | Hans-Böckler-Foundation | German Research Foundation (DFG) | Polish National Science Centre (NCN) | Swiss National Science Foundation | TU Berlin (IPODI Program)

Journals: Antipode | Architectural Theory Review | City | City, Culture and Society | Disability and Rehabilitation | Ephemera: Theory & Politics in Organization | Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space | Eurasian Geography and Economics | European Planning Studies | Futures | GAIA - Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society | Globalizations | International Journal of Housing Policy | International Journal of Urban and Regional Research | Journal of Architectural Education | Journal of Urbanism: International Research on Placemaking and Urban Sustainability | Journal of Urban Affairs | Journal of Urban Design | Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Geographischen Gesellschaft | Scottish Geographical Journal | sub\urban. zeitschrift für kritische stadtforschung | Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers | Urban Geography | Urban Planning | Urban Research and Practice | Urban Studies | Zeitschrift für Praktische Philosophie


Gesellschaft für Stadtgeschichte und Urbanisierungsforschung, Germany, since 2015

Research Committee 21 on the Sociology of Urban and Regional Development
(RC 21) in the International Sociological Association (ISA), since 2006

Architectural Sociology Working Group of the German Sociological Association, since 2006


Grubbauer, M. (2011). Die vorgestellte Stadt. Globale Büroarchitektur, Stadtmarketing und politischer Wandel in Wien. Bielefeld, Transcript.

Edited volumes

Grubbauer, M. and J. Metzger (Eds.) (2023): Wohnen in Hamburg: Akteure, Instrumente und Konfliktfelder. Bielefeld: transcript.

Grubbauer, M. and K. Shaw (Eds.) (2018). Across Theory and Practice: Thinking through Urban Research. Berlin, Jovis.

Grubbauer, M. and J. Kusiak (Eds.) (2012). Chasing Warsaw. Socio-Material Dynamics of Urban Change since 1990. Frankfurt, Campus.

Special issues in peer-reviewed journals

Grubbauer, M., and P. Mader (Eds.). Housing Microfinance and Housing Financialisation in a Global Perspective, International Journal of Housing Policy, 21 (4), 2021.

Göbel, H. K.; M. Grubbauer and A. Richter (Eds.). Designed to improve? The makings, politics and aesthetics of “social” architecture and design, City 21 (6), 2017.

Faulconbridge, J. and M. Grubbauer (Eds.). Transnational Building Practices: Actors, Trajectories and Modes of Knowledge Mobility, Global Networks 15 (3), 2015.

Grubbauer, M. and S. Steets (Eds.). The Making of Architects: Knowledge Production and Legitimation in Education, Professional Practice and International Networks, Architectural Theory Review 19 (1), 2014.

Articles in peer-reviewed journals

Grubbauer, M. and K. Manderscheid (2023). Im Spannungsfeld von Betrieb und Wohnen: sozial-ökologische Herausforderungen ortsflexibler Arbeit. WSI Mitteilungen 1/2023, 55–61.

Ruge, J., V. Dimitrova, M. Grubbauer and A. Bögle (2022). Models, mock-ups and materials: artefacts of collaboration in the planning of large-scale construction projects, Building Research & Information, 50(8), 881-893, DOI: 10.1080/09613218.2022.2070451

Dimitrova, V. and M. Grubbauer (2022). The icon as a collaborative performance: non-standard solutions, invisible work and networks of trust in the construction of the Elbe Philharmonic Hall, Hamburg, Archnet-IJAR, 16(2), 434-450.

Grubbauer, M. and V. Dimitrova (2022). Exceptional architecture, learning processes, and the contradictory performativity of norms and standards, European Planning Studies, 30(1), 121-140, DOI: 10.1080/09654313.2021.1928609

Grubbauer, M. and L. Escobar (2021) World Bank experiments in housing: microfinance for self-organised housing in Mexico in the era of financial inclusion, International Journal of Housing Policy, 21 (4): 534-558, DOI: 10.1080/19491247.2021.1898897

Escobar, L. and M. Grubbauer (2021). Housing microfinance, saving and credit cooperatives, and community development in low-income settings in Mexico. Community Development Journal 56 (1): 141-160.

Grubbauer, M. (2020). Assisted self-help housing in Mexico: advocacy, (micro)finance and the making of markets. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 44 (6): 947-966.

Hilbrandt, H. and M. Grubbauer (2020). Standards and SSOs in the contested widening and deepening of financial markets: The arrival of Green Municipal Bonds in Mexico City. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space 52 (7): 1415-1433.

Grubbauer, M. and H. Hilbrandt (2020). Städte des Globalen Südens im Fokus von Klima- und Entwicklungsfinanz: Reregulierung, Disziplinierung und Depolitisierung. sub\urban. zeitschrift für kritische stadtforschung 8 (1/2): 137-162.

Coman, R., M. Grubbauer and J. König (2019). Labour migration as a temporal practice in peripheral cities: the case of Comănești, Romania. City 23(4-5): 619-630.

Grubbauer, M. (2019). Postcolonial urbanism across disciplinary boundaries: Modes of (dis)engagement between urban theory and professional practice. The Journal of Architecture 24 (4): 469-486.

Grubbauer, M. (2019). Housing microfinance and the financialization of housing in Latin America and beyond: an agenda for future research. International Journal of Housing Policy 19 (3): 436-447.

Grubbauer, M. and Camprag, N. (2018). Urban megaprojects, nation-state politics and regulatory capitalism in Central and Eastern Europe: the Belgrade Waterfront project. Urban Studies. 56 (4): 649-671.

Grubbauer, M. (2017). Shifting national housing policy priorities, commercialization of housing microfinance and marketization in the construction sector: the current state of self-help housing in Mexico. Trialog (4/2015), September 2017: 13-19.

Grubbauer, M. (2017). In search of authenticity: Architectures of social engagement, modes of public recognition and the fetish of the vernacular. City 21 (6): 789-799.

Grubbauer, M. (2015). Circulating knowledge, marketization and norm-making: international developers and construction firms in Eastern Europe since 2000. Global Networks 15 (3): 288-306.

Grubbauer, M. (2015). Not everything is new in DIY: Home remodelling by amateurs as urban practice. Ephemera: theory & politics in organization 15 (1): 141-162.

Grubbauer, M. and S. Steets (2014). Editorial: The Making of Architects: Knowledge Production and Legitimation in Education and Professional Practice. Architectural Theory Review 19 (1): 4–9.

Grubbauer, M. (2014). Architecture, economic imaginaries and urban politics: the office tower as socially classifying device. International Journal for Urban and Regional Research 38 (1): 336–59.

Grubbauer, M. (2013). Mainstreaming urban interventionist practices: the case of the BMW Guggenheim Lab in Berlin. Footprint. TU Delft Architecture Theory Journal. Autumn 2013: 123–130.

Grubbauer, M. (2004). Über den Bereich des (Un)möglichen. Zur Zukunft architektonischer Praxis. UMBAU 21, 81–92.

Articles in non-peer reviewed journals, introductions and commentaries

Grubbauer, M. (2022): Mehr als ein Dach über dem Kopf? Wohnen – ein existenzielles Bedürfnis im Wandel der Zeit. In: Spurensuchen. Magazin für historisch-politische Bildung, 36. Jg., S. 15-18 (Magazin zum Geschichtswettbewerb des Bundespräsidenten).

Grubbauer, M. and P. Mader (2021) Housing microfinance and housing financialisation in a global perspective, International Journal of Housing Policy 21 (4): 465-483, DOI: 10.1080/19491247.2021.1922165

Grubbauer, M. (2019). Forschungsorientierte Lehre. StadtBauwelt 221 (6/2019): 53-54.

Richter, A.; H. Göbel, M. Grubbauer (2017). Introduction: Designed to Improve? The makings, politics and aesthetics of ‘social’ architecture and design. City 21 (6): 769-778.

Grubbauer, M. (2017). Perspektiven einer Politisierung von Planungsprozessen jenseits lokaler Mobilisierungen. sub\urban. zeitschrift für kritische stadtforschung 5 (1/2): 137-146.

Faulconbridge, J. and M. Grubbauer (2015). Transnational building practices: knowledge mobility and the inescapable market. Global Networks 15 (3): 275-287.

Grubbauer, M. (2012). Architektur und Stadt: Anmerkungen aus politisch-ökonomischer Perspektive. Geographische Revue 14 (1): 58–73.

Grubbauer, M. (2010). Was ist nutzungsoffene Architektur? Möglichkeiten und Grenzen. Generalist. Magazin für Architektur Nr. 3: 55–59.

Grubbauer, M. (2009). Wien und der Konflikt eines baulichen Wandels. Wie Hochhäuser ein neues Stadtbild konstruieren sollen. Geographische Rundschau 7-8: 28–34.

Grubbauer, M. (2008). Interpretation von Architektur: fotografische Bilder von Architektur und die visuelle Vermitteltheit architektonischen Wissens? Wolkenkuckucksheim. Internationale Zeitschrift für Theorie und Wissenschaft der Architektur 12 (2), (online).

Book chapters

Grubbauer, M. and J. Metzger (2023): Einleitung: Wohnungsfrage und Wohnungsforschung. Was lässt sich am Beispiel Hamburg lernen? In: M. Grubbauer and J. Metzger (Eds.). Wohnen in Hamburg: Akteure, Instrumente und Konfliktfelder. Bielefeld: transcript, 13-29.

Grubbauer, M. (2023): Herausforderungen und Perspektiven in der Wohnungsforschung. In: M. Grubbauer and J. Metzger (Eds.). Wohnen in Hamburg: Akteure, Instrumente und Konfliktfelder. Bielefeld: transcript, 47-65.

Grubbauer, M., M. Helmrich, C. Niewerth and K. Manderscheid (2023): Konsequenzen ortsflexibler Arbeit für Praxen des Wohnens und der Alltagsorganisation in Hamburg. In: M. Grubbauer and J. Metzger (Eds.). Wohnen in Hamburg: Akteure, Instrumente und Konfliktfelder. Bielefeld: transcript, 143-162.

Grubbauer, M. and H. Hilbrandt (2023). Shifts and hurdles in the urbanization of development finance: The case of the World Bank’s city creditworthiness initiative. In: È. Chiapello, A. Engels, E. Gresse (Eds). Financializations of Development. Global Games and Local Experiments. London, Routledge.

Grubbauer, M. (2021). Situating the Research Project at the Intersection of Multi-Disciplinary Debates. In: J. Thiel, V. Dimitrova, J. Ruge (Eds.): Constructing Innovation: How Large-Scale Projects Drive Novelty in the Construction Industry. Berlin, Jovis, 22-27.

Dimitrova, V., M. Grubbauer, J. Ruge, A. Bögle (2021). Large-Scale Projects as Arenas for Interaction: Negotiating Professional Cultures of Architects and Engineers. In: J. Thiel, V. Dimitrova, J. Ruge (Eds.): Constructing Innovation: How Large-Scale Projects Drive Novelty in the Construction Industry. Berlin, Jovis, 176-193.

Dreher, J., J. Thiel, G. Grabher, M. Grubbauer (2021). Mobile Interaction, Sticky Products: Geographies of Innovation in Large-Scale Construction Projects. In: J. Thiel, V. Dimitrova, J. Ruge (Eds.): Constructing Innovation: How Large-Scale Projects Drive Novelty in the Construction Industry. Berlin, Jovis, 86-104.

Grubbauer, M. (2021). Erbe und städtische Zukünfte im Zeitalter des Climate Urbanism. In: J. Blokker, Carmen M. Enss and S. Herold (Eds). Politiken des Erbens in urbanen Räumen. Bielefeld, Transcript, 207-220.

Grubbauer, M. (2018). Hochhäuser in Wien. Bilder von Architektur, Stadtmarketing und lokale Politik. In: S. Rollig and M. Fellinger (Eds.). Der Canalettoblick. Wien, Belvedere, 117-125.

Grubbauer, M. (2018). Building home futures: Materialities of construction and meanings of home in informal building practices. In: D. Sage and C. Vitry (Eds.). Societies under Construction. Geographies, Sociologies and Histories of Building. Basingstoke, Palgrave, 185-204.

Grubbauer, M. (2017). Urban Research Today: Modes of Dialogue and Disengagement between Theory and Practice. In: W. Pelka and F. Kasting (Eds.). Science and the City: Hamburg’s Path into an Academic Built Environment Education. Berlin, Jovis, 57-68.

Grubbauer, M. (2017). Stadtentwicklung von unten –  Möglichkeiten, Grenzen, kritische Perspektiven. In: K. Novy and A. Strickner (Eds.). Gutes Leben für alle erfordert eine andere Globalisierung. Herausforderungen und Gestaltungsräume für Städte und Regionen. Werkstattbericht, MA 18 – Stadtentwicklung und Stadtplanung, Wien, 72-75.

Grubbauer, M. (2017). Ananya Roy: Slumdog Cities: Rethinking Subaltern Urbanism. In: F. Eckardt (Ed.). Schlüsselwerke der Stadtforschung. Berlin, Springer, 279–300.

Grubbauer, M. (2016). The nadogradnje as a mode of urbanism. In: S. Quadflieg and G. Theune (Eds.). Nadogradnje. Urban Self-Regulation in Post-Yugoslav Cities. Weimar, m-books, 93–109.

Grubbauer, M. (2014). Gebrauchsfotografien von Architektur und Stadt und die Bewertung des urbanen Raumes: Stadtmarketing, Bildagenturen und Intermediäre. In: I. H. Warnke and B. Busse (Eds.). Place-Making in urbanen Diskursen. Berlin, De Gruyter.

Grubbauer, M. (2013). A városi változás átfogóbb fogalma felé: A posztszocialista urbanizáciá és a városelmélet osszekapcsolása. In: Jelinek C., Bodnár J., Czirfusz M. und Gyimesi Z. (Eds.). Kritikai Városkutatás [Kritische Stadtforschung]. Budapest, L'Harmattan,  480-504 (Hungarian Translation of book chapter in Grubbauer/Kusiak 2012).

Grubbauer, M. (2013). ‘Global‘ Architecture as a Contradictory Signifier: Lessons from Hamburg’s and Vienna’s Urban Megaprojects. In: G. del Cerro (Ed.). Urban Megaprojects: a worldwide view. Bradford, Emerald, 185–210.

Grubbauer, M. (2012). Toward a More Comprehensive Notion of Urban Change: Linking Post-Socialist Urbanism and Urban Theory. In: M. Grubbauer and J. Kusiak (Eds.). Chasing Warsaw. Socio-Material Dynamics of Urban Change since 1990. Frankfurt, Campus, 35–60.

Grubbauer, M. (2011). Globale Architektur und ihre Rolle im Städtewettbewerb. In: C. Parnreiter (Ed.). Stadt und Globalisierung. Hamburger Symposium Geographie Nr. 3, Institut für Geographie der Universität Hamburg, 46–65.

Grubbauer, M. (2011). Räume der Wirtschaft: Das Bürohochhaus als Bedeutungsträger in der visuellen Konstruktion ökonomischer Vorstellungswelten. In: W. Hofmann (Ed.). Stadt als Erfahrungsraum der Politik. Beiträge zur kulturellen Konstruktion urbaner Politik. Berlin, LIT Verlag, 97–116.

Grubbauer, M. (2010). The high-rise office tower as a global type: exploring the architectural world of Getty Images. In: M. Guggenheim and O. Soderström (Eds.). Re-Shaping Cities: How Global Mobility Transforms Architecture and Urban Form. London, Routledge, 63–80.

Grubbauer, M. (2008). Images of office architecture in the media – the paradigm of urban competitivness and global interconnectivity. In: F. Eckardt (Ed.): Media and Urban Space. Understanding, Investigating and Approaching Mediacity. Berlin, Frank & Timme, 105–132.

Grubbauer, M. (2006). Architektur und Standortwettbewerb. Bürobauten als Imageträger. In: Kritische Geografie und Attac Österreich (Eds.). Zwischen Konkurrenz und Kooperation – Alternativen zum Standortwettbewerb. Wien, Mandelbaum, 120–141.


Review of: Löw, M.; Sayman, V.; Schwerer, J. and Wolf, H. (Eds.): Am Ende der Globalisierung: Über die Refiguration von Räumen. Bielefeld. transcript Verlag 2021. In: Soziopolis: Gesellschaft beobachten

Review of : Schmidt-Lauber, B.; Othengrafen, F.; Pohlan, J. and Wehrhahn, R. (Eds.): Wohnungsfragen ohne Ende?! Ressourcen für eine soziale Wohnraumversorgung. Spinger, S. 2022. In: Jahrbuch StadtRegion 2021/2022, Stadt-Land-Relationen. Disziplinäre Spurensuchen.

Review of: Bunnell, T. and D. P.S. Goh (Eds.): Urban Asias: Essays on Futurity Past and Present. Berlin, Jovis 2018. In: International journal for Urban and Regional Research 43.3, 615-616.

Review of: Darieva, T.; W. Kaschuba and M. Krebs (Eds.): Urban Spaces After Socialism. Frankfurt/Main, Campus Verlag 2011, and Hirt, S. A.: Iron Curtains. Gates, Suburbs and Privatization of Space in the Post-Socialist City. London, Wiley-Blackwell 2012. In: International Journal for Urban and Regional Research 37.4., 1486–90.

Review of: Ponzini, D. and M. Nastasi: Starchitecture. Scenes, Actors and Spectacles in Contemporary Cities. Torino, Allemandi & C 2012. In: Urban Research & Practice 5.3, 371-372.

Review of: Lampugnani, V. M.: Die Stadt im 20. Jahrhundert. Visionen, Entwürfe, Gebautes. Berlin 2010, in: H-Soz-u-Kult, 08.04.2011,

Organized workshops and panels

'Urban future-making: Raum-zeitliche Widersprüche in der Aushandlung städtischer Zukünfte'. Deutscher Kongress für Geographie, with Katharina Manderscheid and Lucas Pohl, Frankfurt, 19-23 September 2023

'Disentangling global action agendas and urban development strategies: "Truth regimes" of development, private financial interest, and urban sustainable growth', stream at the RC21 Annual Conference 'In and Beyond the City: Emerging Ontologies, Persistent Challenges and Hopeful Futures', with Hanna Hilbrandt, Delhi, 18-21 September 2019 

'Critical Perspectives on Housing Microfinane', international workshop organized at HCU as part of the three-year research project funded by the German Science Foundation (DFG), Hamburg, 29-30 November 2018

'Urban Research across the Theory-Practice Divide: Modes of Dialogue and/or Disengagement', international workshop held at HCU, with Kate Shaw (Melbourne University), Hamburg, 21-22 September 2017

'Housing in the era of neoliberalism between adaption and transgression', stream at the RC21 Annual Conference 'The transgressive city', with Clara Salazar (Colegio de México), Mexico City, July 2016

International workshop of the architectural sociology working group (AG Architektursoziologie) 'Designed to improve? Buildings, interventions and the makings of the "social" in interdisciplinary urban practices', with Hanna Göbel (University Hamburg) and Anna Richter (HCU Hamburg), Hamburg, 22-24 May 2014

'Urbanism beyond the West: Comparing Accelerated Urban Change in Eastern Europe and the Global South', stream at the annual conference of the RC21, Sociology of Urban and Regional Development in the International Sociological Association, with Joanna Kusiak, Berlin, 29-31 August 2013

'The Transnational Dimension of Contemporary Urban Development: Ideas, Trajectories, and Actors', stream at the annual conference of the Association of American Geographers (AAG), New York City, 24-28 February 2012

International workshop of the architectural sociology working group (AG Architektursoziologie),'The Making of Architects / Architecture in the Making', with Silke Steets, TU Darmstadt, 2-3 February 2012

LOEWE-Workshop 'Warsaw since 1990. Post-Socialist Transformation as a Challenge for the Intrinsic Logic of Cities', with Joanna Kusiak, TU Darmstadt, 19-20 May 2011


Research and Teaching Associate

Vera Buttmann

Vera Buttmann works at the interface of urban development and socio-ecological transformation.
Since July 2022, she is a research associate at the Department of History and Theory of the City and a doctoral candidate in the DFG Research Training Group "Urban future-making - Professional agency across time and scale". She teaches in the urban planning program with a focus on urban renewal and housing policy and economics. Her PhD-project deals with urban climate governance.
Previously, Vera Buttmann worked at the Senate Department for Urban Development, Building and Housing Berlin as a project manager of urban development projects with a focus on housing, university development as well as participation processes. She studied Urban and Regional Planning and International Economics in Berlin and Madrid.



Henning-Voscherau-Platz 1 | Room 02.01.06 (Campus Tower)
20457 Hamburg
E-Mail: vera.buttmann[at]


Buttmann, V. (2017): The clash of rural-urban migrants and real estate investors on Phnom Penh's
housing market: Prospects for garment workers. Working Paper 91, Institute for International
Political Economy, Berlin.

Buttmann, V. (2017): Feministische Stadtkritik braucht heute globale Perspektiven ‒ dies zeigen die
Wohnverhältnisse kambodschanischer Textilarbeiterinnen. In: Feministische Geo-RundMail, Themenheft
Aktuelle feministische Perspektiven auf die Stadt 72: 17-19.

Alexeew, J.; Anders, C.; Buttmann, V.; Henzler, M.; Ratjen, G. (adelphi) (2015): Overview Study:
Promotional Schemes for Demand-Side Energy Efficiency. Indo-German Energy Forum (IGEF), New

Rommel, J., Buttmann, V., Liebig, G., Schönwetter, S., Svart-Gröger, V. (2015): Motivation crowding theory
and pro-environmental behavior: Experimental evidence. In: Economics Letters 129: 42-

Buttmann, V., Voigt, P. (2014): Ernährungssouveränität ‒ Der Weltagrarbericht 2008 in der Stadt. AV
Akademikerverlag, Saarbrücken.

Research and Teaching Associate

Dr. Fabian Namberger

Fabian Namberger has been a research assistant (postdoc) in the History and Theory of the City department since March 2023. He is part of the DFG Research Training Group "Urban future-making. Professional agency across time and scale". Fabian works at the intersection of digitalisation, urbanisation and new forms of urban mobility. He teaches on theories of critical urban geography and sociology in the Urban Design degree programme. In his PhD dissertation "Uberising the Urban" (Goldsmiths, University of London), he investigated the socio-spatial effects of the ridehail platform Uber using the example of Toronto's urban space. Fabian is interested in socio-critical theorisation and practice, particularly with regard to the transformation of contemporary geographies of labour, automation and logistics.
Previously, Fabian Namberger studied and worked at the Otto Suhr Institute for Political Science, Freie Universität Berlin (B.A.) and at the Department of Sociology, Goldsmiths, University of London (M.A.). Fabian was a Visiting Graduate Student at the Department of Geography & Planning at the University of Toronto. He is also active in the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation's discussion group Classes and Social Structure.

Henning-Voscherau-Platz 1 | Room 02.01.05 (Campus Tower)
20457 Hamburg
E-mail: fabian.namberger(at)

Current Occupation 

since 03/2023: Research Assistant (Postdoc), History and Theory of the City, HafenCity University Hamburg


Previous Occupation

09/2021 - 12/2021: Research Fellow at the PUTSPACE Project, Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography (IfL) Leipzig
09/2018 - 12/2018: International Visiting Graduate Student at the Institute of Geography & Planning (invited by Prof. Kanishka Goonewardena), University of Toronto
04/2016 - 09/2016: Lectureship Proseminar "Raum Macht Politik" at the Otto Suhr Institute for Political Science, Freie Universität Berlin
08/2013 - 12/2016: Student assistant and staff member on contract, Peace and Conflict Studies Department, Otto Suhr Institute for Political Science, Free University of Berlin

Studies and PhD
09/2016 - 04/2022: PhD at the Department of Sociology, Goldsmiths, University of London (Supervision: Dr. Michael Guggenheim, Prof. Alberto Toscano)
09/2017 - 12/2021: PhD scholarship from the Consortium for the Humanities and the Arts South-east England (CHASE).
09/2016 - 12/2021: Doctoral scholarship from the Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes (German National Academic Foundation)
09/2014 - 08/2015: Study of Sociology (MA) at the Department of Sociology, Goldsmiths, University of London
03/2012 - 08/2015: Study Scholarship of the German National Academic Foundation
10/2010 - 05/2014: Study of Political Science (BA), Otto Suhr Institute for Political Science, Freie Universität Berlin


since 02/2023: Active in the working group "Economic Geographies of the Platform Economy", Berlin
since 01/2023: Member of the discussion group "Classes and Social Structure" of the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation
06/2018 - 02/2023: Member of the Study Group "Migration, Labour, Digitalisation and Racism" (Prof. Manuela Bojadžijev) at the Berlin Institute for Empirical Integration and Migration Research, Humboldt University Berlin
11/2017 - 12/2020: Member of the Association for Critical Social Research: AkG
01/2017 - 12/2020: Editor at, online magazine for book reviews

Journal article

Namberger, Fabian (2023): The State of Uberisation: Neoliberalism, Smart Urbanism, and the Regulated Deregulation of Toronto's Taxi-cum-Ridehail Market, in: Antipode,

Namberger, Fabian/Wischnath, Gerdis/Chojnacki, Sven (2021): Geo-graphing Violence. Postcolonial Perspectives, Space, and the Cartographic Imaginaries of Peace and Conflict Studies, Geopolitics 26:4, 1196-1223.

Namberger, Fabian/Wischnath, Gerdis/Chojnacki, Sven (2018): Kartographien der Gewalt. Postkoloniale Blicke auf die (De-)Konstruktion von Raum in Forschung und Praxis, in: Dittmer, Cordula (Hrsg.): Dekoloniale und Postkoloniale Perspektiven in der Friedens- und Konfliktforschung, Sonderband 2 der Zeitschrift für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung, 183-221.

Chojnacki, Sven/Namberger, Fabian (2014): Die „Neuen Kriege“ im Spiegel postkolonialer Theorien und kritischer Friedensforschung. Ein Plädoyer für die Befreiung von der Last der Vereinfachung, Zeitschrift für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung 3:2, 157-202.


Book chapters

Namberger, Fabian (2018): Die globale Fabrik. Neue Klassenpolitik und die Räume der Logistik, in: Friedrich, Sebastian/Redaktion analyse & kritik (Hrsg.): Neue Klassenpolitik. Linke Strategien gegen Rechtsruck und Neoliberalismus, Bertz + Fischer, Berlin, 175-179.


Book reviews and other publications

Namberger, Fabian (2023): Wie wählen Eingewanderte? Literaturstudie zu Wahlverhalten und politischer Orientierung von Menschen mit Einwanderungsgeschichte, in:

Namberger, Fabian (2023): Linke Potenziale, potenzielle Fallstricke. Zum Wahlverhalten migrantischer Communities in Deutschland, in:

Namberger, Fabian (2022): Rezension von Altenried, Moritz (2022): The Digital Factory. The Automation of Human Labor, in:

Namberger, Fabian (2019): Wer reproduziert die Logistik? Arbeitsteilung auf der „letzten Meile“, express. Zeitung für sozialistische Bildungs- und Gewerkschaftsarbeit 12/2019, 1-5.

Namberger, Fabian (2019): Das Gefühl Kapitalismus, in:

Namberger, Fabian (2018): Rezension von Cowen, Deborah (2014): The Deadly Life of Logistics. Mapping Violence in Global Trade, sub\urban 6:1, 161-165.

Namberger, Fabian (2018): Rezension von Pollock, Friedrich (1964): Automation. Materialien zur Beurteilung ihrer ökonomischen und sozialen Folgen, in:

Namberger, Fabian (2017): Rezension von Taylor, Keeanga-Yamahtta (2017): Von #BlackLivesMatter zu Black Liberation, in:

Namberger, Fabian (2017): Rezension von Fisher, Mark (2013): Kapitalistischer Realismus ohne Alternative?, in:

Namberger, Fabian (2017): Rezension von Reckwitz, Andreas (2012): Die Erfindung der Kreativität. Zum Prozess gesellschaftlicher Ästhetisierung, in:

Namberger, Fabian (2016): Rezension von Toscano, Alberto/Kinkle, Jeff (2015): Cartographies of the Absolute, in:

Presentations at conferences and workshops:

2023: Deutscher Kongress für Geographie, Goethe Universität Frankfurt (19-23rd September): Co-organisation (with Christiane Meyer-Habighorst) of the paper session "Economic geographies of the platform economy".

2023: Deutscher Kongress für Geographie, Goethe Universität Frankfurt (19-23rd September): Presentation of the paper "Excavating the platform state? Geographies of ridehailing beyond the corporate disruption", in paper session "Economic geographies of the platform economy".

2023: Deutscher Kongress für Geographie, Goethe Universität Frankfurt (19-23rd September): Presentation of the paper "Uber in exurbia. The rise of the public-private ridehail partnership in the Toronto city region", in paper session "Geographien der Digitalisierung: Restrukturierung von Arbeit und Raum".

2023: Workshop “Economic Geographies of the Platform Economy. Networking meeting on current debates and research perspectives” in Berlin (6-7th March), co-organized by the Digital Geography working group at the University of Halle.

2023: Workshop Uber, Taxis and Urban Mobility Infrastructures: Exploring Pathways towards Platform Futures, Berlin Einstein Center (8th February). Presentation of the paper The State of Uberization. Taxi and Ridehail Struggles in Toronto.

2021: PUTSPACE Symposium of the Leibniz Institute for Regional Studies (IfL) Leipzig, Görlitz/Zgorzelec (27-31st October). Presentation of paper The Uber Automaton. The Self-Driving Car, Artificial Intelligence and the Quest for Big Urban Data.

2019: International Conference of Critical Geography (ICCG), Athens (19-23rd April). Presentation of the paper Stuck in the “Technological Fix”? Toronto’s Mobility Crisis and the Double Impasse of the “Automated Vehicle”.

2019: Historical Materialism Sixteenth Annual Conference, London (7th November). Presentation of the paper The Gig Worker and the Growth Machine. How Uber Came to Toronto and Why It’s Still There.

2018: Research Workshop Critical Geography, Berlin (14-17th June). Presentation of the paper The Gig Worker and the Growth Machine. How Uber Came to Toronto and Why It’s Still There.

2018: 10th Biennial Conference – European Peace Research Association (EuPRA), Schwerte (16-18th March). Presentation of the paper Cartographies of Violence: Postcolonial Views on the (De-)Construction of Space in Research and Practice.

2016: 4th Conference of Young Scientists of the Working Group for Peace and Conflict Research (AFK), Bonn (2-3rd March). Presentation of the paper Thinking Sovereignty Beyond the State: Fortified Aid Compounds as Sites of Sovereign Power.

2016: Student conference of the Georg Simmel Center for Metropolitan Research, Berlin (29th January). Presentation of the paper Humanitarian Spaces of (Dis-)Connection – A Multi-Level Analysis of the Fortified Aid Compound as a Space of Neo-Colonial Domination.

2015: 47th Colloquium of the Working Group for Peace and Conflict Research (AFK), Berlin (19-21st March). Presentation of the paper Cartographies of Violence – Postcolonial view of the (de-)construction of space in research and practice.


Organization of conferences:

2018: Prototyping the Idiotic City, organizing a one-day conference at Goldsmiths College, University of London (5th June), together with Michael Guggenheim, Martin Tironi, Liam Healy.

Speakers: Jennifer Gabrys (Goldsmiths College), Gyorgyi Galik (Royal College of Art, London), Alison Powell (London School of Economics), Noortjje Marres (University of Warwick), Mike Michael (Goldsmiths College), Ola Söderström (University of Neuchâtel ), Uriel Fogué (ESAYA, UEM)

Research Associate

Charlotte Niewerth

Charlotte Niewerth is an architect and urban researcher. Since May 2022, she has been a project collaborator on the interdisciplinary research project Spatio-Temporal Dimensions of Location-Flexible Work: Social and Ecological Potentials and Risks in the Field of Tension between Work and Living. She studied architecture and urban design at HafenCity University and is co-founder of the interdisciplinary urban research collective Actors for Urban Disobedience in Hamburg. Her research interests include the transformation of the world of work, especially the embodiment of invisible digital infrastructures and urban gig work, as well as feminist perspectives on housing and access to infrastructures. In her master's thesis, she used a spatial survey to analyze the living conditions and housing practices of incarcerated women.

Henning-Voscherau-Platz 1 | Room 02.01.06 (Campus Tower)
20457 Hamburg
Phone: +49(0)40/42827-5245
Email: charlotte.niewerth(at)


Previous academic activities
2022: Research assistant in the project "Friedrichstadt, what is your potential? Friedrichstadt - competition future city", HafenCity University Hamburg 
2021: Tutor for the course "Cultural Practice II Memory Culture of a Port City", HafenCity University Hamburg 
2019 - 2020: Research assistant in the project "Transformation processes in the city as a place of refuge. Extended explorations into urban living situations and practices of (place-) appropriation of refugees", HafenCity University Hamburg 


2018 - 2022 Master of Science Urban Design, HafenCity University Hamburg 
2013 - 2018 Bachelor of Arts Architecture, HafenCity University Hamburg 
2016 - 2017 Erasmus at the Departamento de Arquitetura, Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal 

Feminist Agents of Urban Disobedience (2022): Processed Food on the Urban Data Highway. Food Delivery Services as In_visible Infrastructure in the Production of Urbanity. In: Bauriedl, Sybille; Strüver, Anke (Hg.): Platformisation of Urban Life Towards a Technocapitalist Transformation of European Cities. Transcript/Columbia University Press.

Akteurinnen für urbanen Ungehorsam (2021): Der Digitalität ausgeliefert!? Essenslieferdienste zwischen verkörperten Codes, Un_Sichtbarkeit und städtischer (Re)Produktion. KUCKUCK Notizen zur Alltagskultur 21, Issue 1 (2021): 28-32.

Feminist Agents of Urban Disobedience (2022): Ghosting the City – Zooming in on Otherwise Publics in Virtual Worlds. Panel presentation at the conference „The Virtual, Otherwise“. Society for Cultural Anthropology – Society for Visual Anthropology, USA.

Feminist Agents of Urban Disobedience (2021): Processed Food on the urban Data Highway. Food Delivery Services as In_visible Infrastructure in the Production of Urbanity. Paper Presentation at the Online Symposium Platform Urbanism. Towards a technocapitalist transformation of european cities? University of Graz.

PhD student

Eva Kuschinski

Eva Kuschinski is a doctoral candidate at the Department of History and Theory of the City. She studied sociology in Mannheim and Istanbul and human geography in Frankfurt am Main and Toronto. In her dissertation project, she is researching access to housing for residents of Hamburg's women's shelters in the context of (local) housing and social policy and Hamburg's tight housing market. Furthermore, she deals with critical, feminist readings of the housing problem.

From October 2015 to March 2022, she was a research assistant at the research unit. In this context, she taught in the courses Culture of the Metropolis, Urban Planning, and Urban Design. In addition to lecture-based seminars on History & Theory of the City and Urban Transformations, her focus was on housing and feminist perspectives on the city.


Eva Kuschinski is affiliated in the Scientific Network AK feminist geopraphies


e-mail: eva.kuschinski(at) 

Previous Academic Engagements

2015 - 2022: Research assistant for Prof. Dr. Monika Grubbauer at the Chair for History and Theory of the City at HCU Hamburg

2015: Student assistant for BMBF-project Epidemiologische Risiko-Scores als Instrumente des Wissenstransfers (Prof. Dr. Susanne Bauer, Dr. Katrin Amelang), Institute for Sociology, Science Studies, Goethe University, Frankfurt (Main)

2014: Internship at Leibniz-Institut für raumbezogene Sozialforschung (IRS), Research Department 4: Regeneration of Cities and Towns

2012 – 2013: Student assistant at DFG Project Neuordnung des Städtischen im neoliberalen Zeitalter, research project: Policing American Style in Frankfurt am Main? (Jenny Künkel), Goethe-University, Frankfurt (Main)

2011 – 2015: Master of Arts Geographies of Globalization – Markets and Metropolises, Institute of Human Geography, Goethe-University, Frankfurt (Main)

2013: Semester abroad at CITY Institute, York University, Toronto, Canada (DAAD Promos scholarship)

2008 – 2011: Bachelor of Arts Sociology at the School for Social Sciences, University of Mannheim (minor: Psychology)

2010: Erasmus at Department of Sociology, Istanbul Bilgi University, Turkey

Reserach group AK feminist geographies

DFG-Network 'Feminist Geographies of new Materialisms'


Kuschinski, E. (2023): Wohnungsnot und die Befreiung aus Gewaltverhältnissen. Die Wohnraumversorgung von Frauenhausbewohnerinnen in Hamburg. In: Grubbauer, Monika; Metzger, Joscha (Hg.): Wohnen in Hamburg. Akteure, Instrumente, Konfliktfelder: 355-370.

Kuschinski, E. (2022): Von Einküchenhäusern und Hausarbeitskooperativen. Was können wir heute von historischen, feministischen Antworten auf die Wohnungsfrage lernen? In: Freihaus. Info für gemeinschaftliches und selbstbestimmtes Wohnen, 26, 8-10. Online unter:

Bauriedl, S. and Kuschinski, E. (2021): Geschichten der deutschsprachigen Feministischen Geographien. In: Autor*innenkollektiv Geographie und Geschlecht (Hsrg.): Handbuch Feministische Geographien. Arbeitsweisen und Konzepte: 20-39

Kuschinki, E.; L. R. Reichle (2020): Why housing is a feminist issue oder warum die Wohnungsfrage feministisch zu stellen ist. In: Feministische Geo-RundMail. Informationen rund um feministische Geographie. Themenheft: Feministische politische Ökonomie 81, 33-36. Online unter:

Kuschinski, E. (2019). Profitable Wohnungspolitik und die Reproduktionskrise der 'Anderen' – Das Hamburger Bündnis für das Wohnen. Femina Politica – Zeitschrift für feministische Politikwissenschaft 28 (1), 125-129.

Freshinski, E. N. (2019). Beziehungsweise Recht auf Stadt. Feministische Perspektiven auf Formen kollektiver Stadtgestaltung. Común (1/2019), 18-19. Online: <link master/stadtplanung/arbeitsgebiete-professuren/monika-grubbauer/personen/?></link>

Kuschinski, E. (2019). Das Patriarchat aus dem Haus werfen. Inteview by S. Kellermann. In: Gebaute Gesellschaft, Nr. 51. Online:

Kuschinski, E.; N. Fraeser, H. Hilbrandt, A. Schafran and M. Grubbauer (2018). Enacting social change. Responses in academic practice. Commentary. In: Grubbauer, M. and K. Shaw (Eds.). Across Theory and Practice. Thinking Through Urban Research. Berlin, Jovis, 231-237.

Kuschinski, E.; A. Gilbert and C. Lemanski (2018). Learning from experiences elsewhere. Policy learnings. Commentary. In: Grubbauer, M. and K. Shaw (Eds.). Across Theory and Practice. Thinking Through Urban Research. Berlin, Jovis, 87-89.

Kuschinski, E.; N. Fraeser and H. Hilbrandt (2018). Working as an urban scholar today: For a critical urban practice within and beyond the neoliberal university. In: Grubbauer, M. and K. Shaw (Eds.). Across Theory and Practice. Thinking Through Urban Research. Berlin, Jovis, 206-215.

Kuschinski, E.; N. Fraeser, S. Klosterkamp, J. Kühn and T. Martens (2017). We take the risk of hope. Überlegungen zu akademischer (Reproduktions-)Arbeit im Anschluss an das Vernetzungstreffen Feministische Geographien in Hamburg. sub\urban. zeitschrift für kritische stadtforschung 5 (3), 137-146.

Kuschinski, E. (2017). Nachdenken über die Wohnungsfrage – Modelle und Theorien zur Wohnungsfrage in Bündnissen für das Wohnen. In: Schader-Stiftung (Ed.). Die Rückkehr der Wohnungsfrage. Ansätze und Herausforderungen lokaler Politik. Tagungsreader mit Kurzfassungen der Vorträge und Impulse der Fachtagung am 19. und 20. Juni 2017 im Schader-Forum, Darmstadt, 107-110. Online:

Kuschinski, E. (2014). Sozialer Wohnungsbau lohnt sich nicht – Ökonomisierung der Frankfurter Wohnungspolitik am Beispiel der ABG Frankfurt Holding. In: Heeg, S. and M. Rosol (Eds.). Gebaute Umwelt. Aktuelle stadtpolitische Konflikte in Frankfurt am Main und Offenbach. Forum Humangeographie 12, 23-40.

Presented Papers

„Soziale Reproduktion, umkämpfte Institutionalisierungen und Widersprüche in der Wohnungspolitik. Wie sich die Wohnungsfrage für Frauenhausbewohnerinnen* in Hamburg stellt". Panel „Umkämpfte Zukünfte: Reproduktionskämpfe in der Stadt". Deutscher Kongress für Geographie, Frankfurt am Main, September 2023.

„Soziale Reproduktion und die Wohnungsfrage. Prozessierung gesellschaftlicher Widersprüche in der Wohnungspolitik am Beispiel der Wohnraumversorgung von Frauenhausbewohnerinnen in Hamburg." AdHoc-Gruppe „Umkämpfte Polarisierung – Soziale Bewegungen & Soziale Reproduktion". Deutscher Kongress für Soziologie, Bielefeld, September 2022.

„Wohnungen als soziale Infrastruktur: Zwischen alltäglicher Reproduktion und Verwertungsdruck", Deutscher Kongress für Geographie", Kiel, September 2019

„Die doppelte Vergesellschaftung des Wohnens im Kontext aktueller Wohnungspolitik in Hamburg", Doktorand*innenkolloquium "Wohnungsfrage(n) ohne Ende. Aktuelle und historische Entwicklungen in der Wohnungspolitik", Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, July 2018

„Die doppelte Vergesellschaftung der Wohnung  – Gedanken zu einer feministisch-materialistischen Lesart der Wohnungsfrage", Forschungswerkstatt Kritische Geographie, Frankfurt am Main, June 2018

„Vom Doppelcharakter der Ware Wohnung und fortgesetzter ursprünglicher Akkumulation", Forschungskolloquium Stadt/Raum/Planung, HafenCity Universität Hamburg, June 2018

„Nachdenken über die Wohnungsfrage – Modelle und Theorien zur Wohnungsfrage in ‚Bündnissen für das Wohnen‘“,Fachtagung der Schaderstiftung "Die Rückkehr der Wohnungsfrage. Ansätze und Herausforderungen lokaler Politik", Darmstadt, June 2017

„Multiskalare Wohnungspolitiken – ‚Bündnisse für bezahlbares Wohnen‘ als mobile urban policies", Jahrestagung AK Geographische Wohnungsmarktforschung „Internationalisierung des Wohnens - Marktentwicklung, Politiken, Forschungsansätze", Luxemburg, June 2017

„The intersections of vulnerability, power and housing policies – the case of a forced eviction in Frankfurt/Main", RGS London Annual Conference "Nexus Thinking", Royal Geographical Society, London, August 2016.


Organized workshops and panels

„Umkämpfte Zukünfte: Reproduktionskämpfe in der Stadt". Panel beim Deutschen Kongress für Geographie in Frankfurt am Main, zusammen mit Martin Sarnow, 21.09.2023.

"Social reproduction in hypercommodified homes", Paper Session bei der RC21, zusammen mit Leon Rosa Reichle. 15.07.2021.

Everyday Practices of Solidarity. Relational Learning Under Conditions of Multiple Crises. DAAD-sponsored Workshop. HCU and Schaltzentrale Hamburg, 19-22 September 2018

Network meeting feminist geographies, Hamburg, 27-29 April 2017


Invited lectures and commentaries

„Feministische Kämpfe um die Neugestaltung von Wohnraum: Lehren für die heutige Wohnungsfrage." Vortrag in Rahmen der interdisziplinären Wochen an der FH Kiel, Mai 2023.

„Von Einküchenhäusern und Hausarbeitskooperativen: Was wir heute von historischen, feministischen Antworten auf die Wohnungsfrage lernen können“. STATTBAU Fachtag Wohnprojekte, Hamburg, 2022.

„Feministische Kämpfe um die Wohnungsfrage". Vortrag beim Kantine Festival "De Pizan", Chemnitz, August 2021.

E. N. Freshinski: "Beziehungsweise Recht auf Stadt". Digital lecture in the seminar "Feministische Stadt", Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. June, 2020

„Reproduktionsort und Ware: Die Wohnung als Kristallisationspunkt gesellschaftlicher Widersprüche". Lecture at alpha nova & galeria futura, Berlin, September 2019

E. N. Freshinski: "Struggling with(in) the University - Feminist Negotiations", HafenCity Lectures: Testing University, HafenCity University Hamburg, January 2019.

Counselling at the theatre production "Who Reclaims?! - ein collagierter Streifzug durch die Raumfrage" by the feminist theatre collective Swoosh Lieu, Frankfurt am Main, August 2018

Lecture at a field trip organized by the department of Urban Planning at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar: "Wohnungspolitik in Hamburg - das Bündnis für das Wohnen", Universität Hamburg, April 2018

Assistant lecturer

Andreas Jasiulek

Andreas Jasiulek has been a assisant lecturer at the Department of Urban History and Theory since April 2020. He is active in the seminars History and Theory of the City I and II for the study programme Metropolitan culture at the department. Building on his Bachelor's degree in Social Work at HAW Hamburg and a practical semester abroad in Athens, he completed an interdisciplinary Master's in Urban Design at HCU. Within this framework, he studied for two semesters at the partner university Universidad de Buenos Aires and subsequently did research for his Master's thesis. His research focuses on social inequalities in urban spaces, precarious housing conditions, segregation processes, participatory urban design and informal urban development. 

Assistant lecturer

Joscha Metzger

Joscha Metzger was a lecturer at the History and Theory of the City department until June 2022, where he taught the housing policy and economics course for the Urban Planning degree programme. He studied geography and history in Freiburg and subsequently completed his doctorate at the Institute of Geography at the University of Hamburg on the subject of "Cooperatives and the New Housing Question". Since May 2020 he has been working for STATTBAU Hamburg Stadtentwicklungsgesellschaft (Urban development company) in the field of construction management and project development.

Studentische Hilfskräfte

Paula Haentjes unterstützt den Lehrstuhl für Geschichte und Theorie der Stadt in Forschung und Lehre seit April 2022. Sie studiert im Master Urban Design an der HafenCity Universität. 

Julia Rosner unterstützt den Lehrstuhl für Geschichte und Theorie der Stadt in Forschung und Lehre seit Oktober 2022. Sie studiert im Master Urban Design an der HafenCity Universität. 

Bruno Koeltzsch is a student assistant since november 2022 at the department of History and Theory of the City. He studies urban planing in bachelor at HafenCity University.

Claas Petersen unterstützt den Lehrstuhl für Geschichte und Theorie der Stadt in Forschung und Lehre seit Juli 2023. Er studiert im Bachelor Stadtplanung an der HafenCity Universität. 

Rebecca Dedeck unterstützt den Lehrstuhl für Geschichte und Theorie der Stadt in Forschung und Lehre seit Juli 2023. Sie studiert im Bachelor Stadtplanung an der HafenCity Universität. 

student assistant

Katharina Kudravzev

Katharina Kudravzev is a student assistant since june 2023 at the department of History and Theory of the City. She studies urban planing in bachelor at HafenCity University. 

Ehemalige Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter*innen

Venetsiya Dimitrova worked from 2017 to 2022 as a project collaborator in the interdisciplinary joint research project "Large-scale projects as drivers of innovation in the construction industry", which was funded by the state research funding programme. In her dissertation, she researched the working practices of mid-level project architects working in renowned architectural firms. In 2022/2023 she was a Pro Exzellenzia scholarship holder.

Luisa Escobar worked from 2018 to 2021 as a project member in the DFG-funded project "Microcredit in informal self-employment in Mexico". From 2022-2023, she was a FHH-Scholarship Holder.

Lucas Pohl was a research assistant at the Department of History and Theory of the City from 2022 to 2023 and a member of the DFG-funded research training group "Urban future-making". He currently works at the Institute of Geography at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.

Alessandra Manganelli is a philosopher and urban planner with a doctorate in planning. From 2019 to 2022, she was a project collaborator in the interdisciplinary joint research project "Large-scale projects as drivers of innovation in the construction industry" and has been a postdoctoral researcher in the DFG-funded research training group "Urban future-making" since 2022.

Hanna Hilbrandt worked from 2017 to 2020 as a research assistant at the Department of History and Theory of the City. At the HCU, she is working on the research project "Global markets / local shifts: Urban restructuring through municipal debt in Mexico City and Johannesburg" as a DAAD P.R.I.M.E fellow. Since March 2020, she has been Professor of Social and Cultural Geography at the Department of Geography at the University of Zurich.

Nina Fraeser worked from 2015 to 2020 as a research assistant at the Department of History and Theory of the City. Since June 2020, she has been part of the DFG research group "Recht-Geschlecht-Kollektivität" at the Centre for Interdisciplinary Women's* and Gender Studies at the TU Berlin and works in the sub-project "Die Neuerfindung des Kollektiven" on Urban & Housing Commons.

Previous student assistants

Mara Bahls

Claudia Preiksch

Tobias Jeutner

Tim Jessen

Lea Fast

Lukas Behrend

Hannah Fasching

Jule Jeske

Lorenda Opoku

Lily Altmeyer

Simon Meyer

Carl Schwenger

Karim Edzards

Andreas Jasiulek

Anna Kreuzer

Jantje Morgenstern

Felipe Silva

Rebekka Keuss

Julian Hess


