The lecturers compile literature for individual courses at the HCU in the form of reserved material. These titles are marked in the catalogue with the location note "Sem". Course reserves are reference material for the duration of the semester, i.e. the literature cannot be borrowed so that every student can use it in the library.
However, copies or scans can be made for personal academic use.
Course reserves are not limited to printed media, but can be supplemented with e-media and scans for posting in moodle.
> Informations for lecturers
Clicking on a semestrical key text collection reveals the books contained in it:
> Bega Studio 5 - Lines+Dots
> Fusi 1 - Städtebaulicher Entwurf
> Göbel 1 - KDM-B-105-102 Urbanes Labor I: Zukunftspraktiken des Urbanen
> Grubbauer 1 - History and theory of the city
> Grubbauer 2 - Geschichte und Theorie des Wohnens
> Grubbauer 3 - Planungstheorie für Bachelor
> Hagedorn 1 - SP-M-107-100 Urbanization & Transformation in Developing Countries
> Hagedorn 2 - Social housing Companies for the global south
> Hagedorn / Knieling - Planungskommunikation
> Hentschel - Dirt Cheap!: Urban Everyday Life in the Convenient City
> Mechelke - Geodätische Auswertemethoden 1 (Geodäsie 3)
> Peters 1 - Facets of Sustainability
> Pohlan/Göbel - Quantitative und Qualitative Methoden der Stadtanthropologie
> Streng / Kobelt- „Storytelling"“ - Methoden zur Konzeptentwicklung: Arc-M-102-101 Orientierung Entwurfstheorie und -methode
As of October 29th, 2024
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