Reference management

A reference management programme helps you keep track of large quantities of literature and makes it easier for you to cite and create literature lists correctly. In addition to the reference management program Citavi licensed by the HCU, other programs may also be beneficial, depending on the subject area and operating system.

What programme is right for me?

Most programmes allow you to import and export your collected data in standardises formats, so that you can switch between different programmes while still having access to your data collection.

When making your choice, you may also want to consider which programme is used in your work environment so that you can also work on projects as a team.

Our overview should help you find the right system:

> Bibsonomy
free web-based service for cooperative management and use of bookmarks and publications

> Citavi
Windows-based standalone reference management programme , that is characterised by comprehensive functionality and ease of use and which can be used in research and teaching > campus licence

> EndNote
widely used, English-language and fee-based reference management programme for Windows and Mac. The "Basic" version with limited functionality and storage capacity is free of charge and can be used independently.

> JabRef
free reference management programme for Tex- oder LaTex-users, with the help of which BibTex files can be managed, searched and edited.

> Mendeley
free basic version. Mendeley is a reference management programma and social network for students and researchers. One particular strength is the management of PDFs, another is the easy exchange of sources with others. Mendely Desktop is available for Linux, Mac and Windows. Mendeley is available at the HCU as a download from the Software Depot

> Zotero
both a Firefox plug-in for managing reference and stand-alone reference management programme. This programme extends the transfer of reference to the browsers Safari and Chrome and can be installed under Windows, Mac OS and Linux.


Further information

An overview of all common licenced and free programmes offers the software comparison  "Literaturverwaltungsprogramme im Vergleich" of the university library of Technical University of Munich.

Feel free to contact us:

Martina Goldmann
Tel: +49 (0) 40 42827-5687
E-mail: digitaledienste(at)


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