Gleichstellung an der HCU

Equal Opportunity at the HCU

The HCU encourages gender balance in the university, equal opportunities for women and men and protection against discrimination. Structural and personnel equality of opportunity for women and men are guiding principles for all HCU activity. The consistent implementation of gender mainstreaming and managing diversity as a cross-section task is sustainably anchored and lived in all areas of the university. 

The Equal Opportunity Officers support the university in implementing the statutory equality regulations and in integrating equality and diversity into the field of university development. To the Equal Opportunity Officers you can turn, in issues such as equality between women and men, equality of opportunity in the sense of diversity and the compatibility of studies or professional duties and family life.


Study on the compatibility of studies, career and family at Hamburg universities, in behalf of the Ministry for Science, Research, Equality and District  (BWFGB) .

HCU also participated in this study. For more information, see the BWFGB press release and the full report of the study (PDF).

The LEHRTABLEAU of the Center for Gender and Diversity summer courses 2022 IS HERE!

This semester, the ZGD is again offering a variety of Gender, Queer, Diversity and Intersectionality Studies courses from different Hamburg universities & colleges.

Click here to know more about the interdisciplinary and intercollegiate offer.



The HCU is committed to equal opportunities and an appreciative approach to diversity in teaching, science and administration. Important goals are the recognition and appreciation of diversity as a resource and the creation of a non-discriminatory learning and working environment.

You can still contact us for consulting via email or phone.

Anja Dankworth 

Sachbearbeitung und Assistenz für Gleichstellung
Henning-Voscherau-Platz 1, 20457 Hamburg
Tel. +49 40 42827-4557
E-Mail: anja.dankworth(at)

Offers at the HCU

The HCU focuses on the visibility of children at the university. In addition to a baby-changing room and a relaxation room for parents and children, there is a parent-child area in the cafeteria of the HCU. Here you will find games and work opportunities as well as comfortable seating and on an information board parents can organize exchanges and joint meetings.

Parent-child space
A quiet room with a recliner for pregnant women, nursing chair, nappy changing table, cot and play facilities is located on the second  floor room 2.017.

Access to the parent-child room

To get a locking authorization for the rest room, please contact Ms. Gutmann or, by proxy, Mr. Andersen (Facility Management, hcu-flaechenmanagement(at)

If you have any questions, please contact the HCU Academic Equal Opportunity Team via email (gleichstellung(at) or Anja Dankworth, room 5.012 or call -4557, available Tues.-Thurs. from 8:30 a.m.-1 p.m.or Equal Opportunity Officer for technical and administrativ staff, Fleur Goslar room 4.012 (

Parent-child area cafeteria
Games and work opportunities as well as comfortable seating and exchange platform for parents on the ground floor behind the cafeteria.

Changing tables
Nappy changing tables are located in the parent-child room on the ground floor room E 0.17.

Free kids meal
Children of students receive a free meal in all canteens of the Studierendenwerk until the age of 12. Prediction is a YoungsterCard and a valid student card. You can order the YounsterCard for your children directly from the canteen management or by post using the following form: Application for a YoungsterCard for students with children.

If you have any questions about the offers or the general compatibility of studies or work and family, please contact the equal opportunity officers mentioned above.

External offers

Information portal on family benefits in Germany
From the desire to have a baby through pregnancy and childbirth to the care of relatives the family portal of the Federal Ministry of Family Affairs offers useful tips and an overview of what services families can get in their life situation.

For a regular child care in the late afternoon and in the evening hours the Studierendenwerk Hamburg has founded the play group project Casper . Casper can be used by both students and employees. For the use of Casper no daycare voucher is necessary. The care takes place at the KinderCampus, Schlüterstraße 7.

Care of relatives
The Federal Ministry for Family Affairs and the Hamburg counseling center „Angehörigenschule" provide free advice on care and compatibility.

For employees there are three ways to use flexible care leave according to the law for better compatibility of family, care and work. An overview of the possibilities and further information can be found on the website "Wege zur Pflege".

Advice for studying parents
The family service of the Hamburger Studierendenwerk advises and supports pregnant women and parents interested in financing, social benefits, child care, changes in the study mode (part-time, leave of absence), etc.

In addition, at the Studierendenwerk Frau Christensen, a systemic family counselor with many years of experience as a daycare assistant and freelance consultant, offers support in child-rearing and everyday affairs (contact: Tel. 0176 - 62644472, e-mail: elternberatung(at)

Gender equality at universities also means integrating gender and diversity aspects in teaching and research. The HCU promotes scientific exchange on the results of gender and diversity research, also in cooperation with other universities, i.a. by networking with the Joint Commission for Women's Studies, Women's and Gender Studies, Gender and Queer Studies (GK) of the Centre Gender & Diversity.

Gender-specific courses offered by the HCU can be found in the curriculum of the Centre Gender & Diversity. At the same time, students of the HCU each semester have the opportunity to use the cross-disciplinary "Gender & Queer Studies" area of the Centre Gender & Diversity. It is possible to obtain the certificate "Gender Competence" or "Intersectionality & Diversity" and the courses of other universities, by prior arrangement with the program manager FaSt (pgf-fast(at), can be counted in the FaSt program at the HCU. The current curriculum can be found here: Centre Gender & Diversity.

Gender equality is required by law and must also be applied in the language. If gender is neglected in the language, it influences our thinking and, ultimately, our actions. The use of the male form in the german language, the generic masculine, leads as symbolically as in fact to the discrimination of women. In order to express gender equality appropriately, one must be willing to say goodbye to some old ways of speaking and thinking.

Since August 1995 there is the Hamburg Senate resolution on "equal treatment of women and men in the legal and administrative language of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg", which ensures a gender-neutral official language. If regulations are equally applicable to women and men and a gender-neutral formulation is not appropriate, female and male names must be used.

Based on the decision of the Hamburg Senate, the communication department in cooperation with the equal opportunity commissioner have developed a guiedeline on the application of the gender-inclusive language for your work at the HCU.

HafenCity University promotes gender balance at the university, equal opportunities for all genders and protection against discrimination. The consistent implementation of gender mainstreaming and managing diversity as a cross-sectional task is lived and anchored sustainably in all areas of the university. Another important goal of HCU is the promotion of a family-friendly university for students and employees.

Download: Equality plan 2018 - 2023 (document in German)

In order to be able to follow developments in this area and derive measures accordingly, various relevant indicators are collected. These are published annually on the website of the City of Hamburg.


With the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, there was a reinforcement of the social inequalities that already existed in society before the pandemic. These inequalities equally affect the science system. This is particularly evident in terms of the pandemic-related reduction in publication activity and fewer research projects submitted by women. Studies show that this is primarily due to the increased double burden on women scientists as a result of the pandemic in terms of reconciling work and family life. In addition, there are other restrictions and additional burdens, such as the limited use of laboratories or the increased requirements for the provision and implementation of digital teaching, which make heavy demands on the time resources of young scientists.

HCU, supported by BWFGB funds under the "Balancing the Gender Effect during the Corona Crisis" solicitation, is inviting applications for a funding pot to support enabling measures to mitigate pandemic-related disadvantages. The measure will initially run through Dec. 31, 2022.

Netzwerk Close the Gap (Universität Hamburg)

What is funded:

Women scientists with family responsibilities may submit individual and group applications that serve to support and advance their scientific careers or provide relief from family responsibilities to better balance work and family life under pandemic conditions. Applications can be submitted for up to 1,500 euros for individual applications; correspondingly higher funding amounts are possible for group applications. Only support that has not yet been used at the time of application can be funded.

The following funding options are conceivable, among others, which provide relief for compatibility issues:

  • Support by student/scientific assistants or tutors to reduce the workload of female scientists, for example related to support in teaching, preparation of research activities in laboratories, etc.
  • Subsidy/support for childcare by non-family members (with invoicing)
  • Coaching and further training for female scientists (after consultation with the personnel department), e.g. on further career planning and or on reconciling family and career, dealing with conflicts
  • Support / printing subsidies for publications
  • workshops

The catalog of measures is deliberately open in order to be able to react as best as possible to the individual situation of the applicants. For this reason, it is possible to apply for support options not listed here that fall into the areas mentioned. Please contact us in advance for this purpose. Please also note that unfortunately, due to capacity law, full teaching positions cannot be funded.

Who is funded:

The measure is aimed at female scientists with family and caregiving responsibilities who have been employed at or affiliated with HCU (or another of the participating universities) since at least the winter semester 2020/21 and still are at the time of claiming support. Due to their special situation (temporary employment contracts), academic employees below the career level of professorship will be given preferential treatment in the awarding process.


The application for support from the support fund can be submitted either in German or English. Please fill out the application form and provide the following information:

  • Brief description of the situation as well as the planned support and how it will help you to advance your scientific career.
  • Type, scope and period of the requested support
  • Details of the area of work
  • If applicable, information on the extent of teaching responsibilities
  • If applicable, name(s) and birth certificate of child/children or information on the person in need of care:

Depending on the specific type of assistance requested, additional documents/details may be necessary, such as quotes and invoices. Applications will be processed regularly, as quickly as possible and in the order in which they are received. Please note: As only a limited amount of funding is available for the project, no further support measures can be funded once the funding pot has been exhausted. 

Application may be submitted to no later than June 30, 2022. Application received after this date cannot be considered. You can find the applications here.


Dr.-Ing. Annette Scheider (Equal Opportunity Officer) and Anja Dankworth (Assistant and Clerical Officer to the Equal Opportunity Officer).

Was wird gefördert:

Wissenschaftlerinnen mit Familienverantwortung können Einzel- und Gruppenanträge stellen, die der Unterstützung und Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Karriere dienen oder eine Entlastung von Familienaufgaben zur besseren Vereinbarkeit von Beruf und Familie unter Pandemiebedingungen darstellen. Beantragt werden können für Einzelanträge bis zu 1.500 Euro, bei Gruppenanträgen sind entsprechend höhere Fördersummen möglich. Es können nur Unterstützungen gefördert werden, die zum Zeitpunkt der Antragsstellung noch nicht in Anspruch genommen wurden.

Denkbar sind u.a. folgende Fördermöglichkeiten, die eine Entlastung bei Vereinbarkeitsfragen bewirken:

  • Unterstützung durch studentische/wissenschaftl. Hilfskräfte oder Tutor:innen, um die Workload von Wissenschaftlerinnen zu verringern, beispielsweise bezogen auf Unterstützung in der Lehre, Vorbereitung von Forschungstätigkeiten in Laboren, etc.
  • Zuschuss / Unterstützung bei der Kinderbetreuung durch Nichtfamilienangehörige (mit Rechnungstellung)
  • Coachings und Fortbildungsangebote für Wissenschaftlerinnen (nach Absprache mit der Personalabteilung), z. B. zur weiteren Karriereplanung und oder zu Vereinbarkeit von Familie und Beruf, Umgang mit Konflikten
  • Unterstützung / Druckkostenzuschuss für Publikationen
  • Workshops

Der Maßnahmenkatalog ist bewusst offen gestaltet, um bestmöglich auf die individuelle Situation der Antragstellerinnen reagieren zu können. Deshalb ist es möglich, hier nicht aufgeführte Unterstützungsmöglichkeiten zu beantragen, die in die genannten Bereiche fallen. Bitte melden Sie sich dazu im Vorfeld bei uns. Bitte beachten Sie auch, dass aufgrund des Kapazitätsrechts leider keine kompletten Lehraufträge finanziert werden können.

Die Maßnahme richtet sich an Wissenschaftlerinnen mit Familien- und Pflegeaufgaben, die mindestens seit Wintersemester 2020/21 an der HCU (oder einer anderen der teilnehmenden Hochschulen) beschäftigt oder ihr angehörig waren und dies zum Zeitpunkt der Inanspruchnahme der Unterstützung noch sind. Aufgrund ihrer besonderen Situation (zeitlich befristete Arbeitsverträge), werden wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterinnen und Angestellte unterhalb der Karrierestufe Professur bei der Vergabe bevorzugt behandelt.


Der Antrag auf Unterstützung aus dem Förderfonds kann wahlweise auf Deutsch oder Englisch gestellt werden. Bitte füllen Sie dazu das Antragsformular aus und geben Sie dabei folgende Informationen an:

  • Kurze Beschreibung der Situation sowie der geplanten Unterstützung und wie diese Sie beim Vorankommen Ihrer wissenschaftlichen Karriere unterstützt
  • Art, Umfang und Zeitraum der beantragten Unterstützung
  • Angaben zum Arbeitsbereich
  • Ggf. Angaben zum Umfang der Lehrverpflichtung
  • Ggf. Name(n) und Geburtsurkunde des Kindes/der Kinder bzw. Angaben zur pflegebedürftigen Person

Je nach Art der konkret beantragten Unterstützung können weitere Dokumente/Angaben nötig werden, z. B. Angebote und Rechnungen. Die Anträge werden regelmäßig, schnellstmöglich und in Eingangsreihenfolge bearbeitet. Den Antrag finden Sie hier. Bitte beachten Sie: Da für das Projekt nur eine begrenzte Fördersumme zur Verfügung steht, können nach Ausschöpfung des Fördertopfes keine weiteren Unterstützungsmaßnahmen finanziert werden. 

Anträge können bis spätestens 30. Juni 2022 unter gleichstellung(at) eingereicht werden. Später eingehende Anträge können nicht berücksichtig werden.


Dr.-Ing. Annette Scheider (Gleichstellungsbeauftragte) und Anja Dankworth (Assistentin und Sachberabeiterin der Gleichstellungsbeauftragten)


Equal Opportunity Officer

Ms. Annette Scheider
Head of geodetic laboratory
Tel. +49 40 42827-4546
E-Mail: gleichstellung(at)

Mr. Christian Steuck
Research Associate
Tel. +49 40 42827-5515
E-Mail: christian.steuck(at)

Ms. Anja Dankworth
Equality processing and assistance
Tel. +49 40 42827-4557
E-Mail: anja.dankworth(at)

Technical and administrative staff

Fleur Goslar

Andrea Scheele

E-Mail: hcu-gleichstellung-tvp(at)