Tuition Fees | Living Costs | Financial Support
Tuition and Administration Fees
Each semester, HCU Students have to pay an enrolment fee. As of wintersemester 2018/2019, this fee will be approximatley 320 Euro per semester. It includes a free ticket for public transport for the whole area of Hamburg.
Living Costs | Jobs
Besides the Tuition Fees, students have to calculate approximately 700 Euro for living costs in Hamburg per month. Due to the intense nature of the programme working while studying is sometimes difficult but possible. Nevertheless nearly all of our students have some sort of a part-time job in one of the study periods. The university itself offers to students the opportunity to work as assistant for lectures, research or projects under the supervision of a professor. Students can also obtain off-campus part time jobs in the public sector or private industry in the field of REAP.
Students from the European Union and the EEA stand practically on equal terms with German students and have free access to the German job market. However, for students who do not come from the EU or EEA countries, work is restricted; they are only allowed to work up to a specific number or hours. German employment regulations have to be considered before taking on a job.
Scholarships / Financial Support
On the following webpage you can find an overview of scholarship opportunities.
For most of the scholarships, you can only apply for after admission and enrollment.
Before admission and enrollement, you can apply for a DAAD scholarship. Applicants who need a full scholarship can get more information about DAAD scholarships on the following website:
An application for a DAAD full scholarship has to be done from the home country.
HCU does not offer any full scholarships at all. After enrollment and one semester you might be eligible for a part scholarship like Hamburg scholarships based on academic merit for international students or DAAD advising scholarships.