Teaching Schedule of Prof. Monika Grubbauer
Winter Term 2022/23
History and Theory of the City I
BA Culture of the Metropolis and BSc Urban Planning
Prof. Monika Grubbauer
accompanying exercise on Tuesdays
Andreas Jasiulek
Housing policy and economics
BSc Urban Planning
Vera Buttmann
Transformations I
MSc Urban Design and MSc Urban Planning
Prof. Monika Grubbauer with Fabian Namberger
Summer Term 2023
History and Theory of the City II
BA Metropolitan Culture and BSc Urban Planning
Prof. Monika Grubbauer
Urban Transformations II
MSc Urban Design
Prof. Monika Grubbauer with Fabian Namberger
History and Theory of Housing
BSc Urban Planing
Prof. Monika Grubbauer
Urban Redevelopment and Housing
MSc Urban Planning
Vera Buttmann