General questions
Please contact our Infothek for all general questions regarding HafenCity University or your application (infothek(at)
For questions about your study interest and other individual cases please refer to the Student Administration (studierendenverwaltung(at)
Technical questions:
Please use the support contact form of the ahoi-System.
Students union
Committees of student self-administration and participation are the Students' Parliament (StuPa), the General Students' Committee (AStA), and the Student Council Council for Architecture+ (FSR - A+). Please click here for further information on student committees.
General student counselling
For questions concerning the curriculum or personal planning of your studies please refer to your Programmgeschäftsführung Architektur:
Christine Wamper
Henning-Voscherau-Platz 1
20457 Hamburg
Room 4.019
Telephone: +49 (0)40 42827–5351
Email: stuko.architektur(at)
Consulting hours:
on appointment
Deans of studies
Ihre Ansprechpartner bei konkreten Fragen zum Studienfachverlauf oder zur Berufsperspektive:
Prof. Dr. Jörn Düwel
Raum 5.004
Sprechzeiten: siehe Aushang und nach Vereinbarung. Bitte adressieren Sie Ihr Anliegen zunächst per Email.
Fragen zur Prüfungsordnung, zur Prüfungsorganisation und zum Prüfungsablauf, Widersprüche, Fristenregelung, etc.
Prof. Barbara Ludescher
Raum 2.110.1
+49 40 428 27 -5321
Advise on internships
Regulations on internships according to study and examination regulations (PDF)
(only in German)
For advice on pre-study and course-related internships please contact:
Prof. Gesine Weinmiller
Room: 2.017
Tel. +49 (0)040 42827-5076
BAföG related questions can be answered by:
Prof. Dr. Jörn Düwel
Room: 4.138
Tel.: +49 (0)40 42827-5266