During their studies, many students experience difficult times in their personal lives or suffer from extreme overload or crises that cannot always be managed alone.
HCU Students with problems in their academic or personal lives which are negatively affecting their ability to learn, work, write, speak or take exams, or students struggling with loneliness, depression and anxiety can turn to the UHH psychological counseling services.
Frequent reasons for contacting Psychological counseling are:
The Psychological Counseling at UHH offers several services for HCU students:
Individual counseling: HCU students may register for individual counseling or for group sessions at (registration portal in German) Counseling is offered in German, English, French, Spanish and Arabic language.
Open counseling: We offer „Open Counseling“ hours without registration, every Monday from 10 – 11 a.m. During the Open Counseling students can have a short conversation with one of our psychologists and develop first steps to improve the situation.
„HOPES“: Furthermore there is a special service for students from all Hamburg universities who need practical advice on managing the challenges of studying after a serious psychological event, or after in-patient psychological treatment (German only).