Prof. Dr. Gernot Grabher

HCU Hamburg
Urban and Regional Economics
Henning-Voscherau-Platz 1
D-20457 Hamburg
5th Floor | Room 5047
Phone: +49(0)40/42827-4561
Email: Gernot.Grabher(at)hcu-hamburg.de
Office hours: Office hours by appointment only
The publication output of Economic Geographers from Germany, Switzerland and Austria
ZitArt Author Ranking 2020 | ZitArt Article Ranking 2020
ZitArt Author Ranking 2016 | ZitArt Article Ranking 2016
ZitArt Author Ranking 2013 | ZitArt Article Ranking 2013
Ongoing | |
04/2022 – 03/2026 | “Urban future-making: Professional agency across time and scale”. DFG-Research Training Group (Graduiertenkolleg) (RTG 2725) with M. Grubbauer (spokesperson), A. Bögle, P. Fusi, G. Kapteina (HCU Hamburg), K. Manderscheid, F. Müller (University Hamburg) and Carsten Geertz (Technical University Hamburg) (6,022.409 €). |
03/2021 – 02/2024 | “The Temporal Structuring of Creative Processes: Organizing Creativity through (Dis)Entrainment”. Joint research project with E. Schüßler (Johannes Kepler University Linz) and J. Sydow (Free University Berlin. Financed by German Research Foundation (DFG) and the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) (534.584 €). |
Completed | |
03/2018 – 02/2021 | “Smart Cities: The Standardization of the City?” Financed by the German Research Foundation (DFG) (354.149 €). |
06/2017 – 05/2021 | “Mega-projects as drivers of innovation in the construction value chain”. Proposal for. Joint research project with A. Bögle, M. Grubbauer, J. Thiel (HCU Hamburg) and C. Herstatt (TU-Hamburg-Harburg). Speaker: G. Grabher. Financed by the Landesforschungsförderung Hamburg, Program on Collaborative Research Networks (1,595.892 €). |
06/2016 – 09/2019 | "Organized Creativity: Practices for Inducing and Coping with Uncertainty". DFG-Research Group with G. Jackson, J. Costas, J. Sydow (Free University Berlin), L. Dobusch (University of Innsbruck) O. Ibert (Leibniz Institute for Regional Development and Structural Planning Erkner), S. Quack (University Duisburg-Essen) and E. Schüßler (Johannes Kepler University Linz). Speaker: J. Sydow. Financed by the German Research Foundation (DFG) (First project co-directed by G. Grabher: 223.605 €). |
11/2014 – 10/2016 | "From Know-how to Know-who: Reflexive Management of Interpersonal Knowledge Networks on Social Networking Sites". Financed by the German Research Foundation (DFG) (139.084 €). |
03/2014 – 10/2014 | "The Sharing Economy: Drivers and Constraints of New Practices of Collective Asset Utilization". Financed by the HCU Research Seed Fund (HCU-Anschubfinanzierung) (29.481 €). |
01/2013 | "Constructing Resilience". Joint conference and publication project with G. Christmann, O. Ibert, H. Kilper (Leibniz Institute for Regional Development and Structural Planning, IRS). Financed by the German Research Foundation (DFG) (26.470 €). |
03/2012 – 02/2014 | "Learning through Rare Events: Learning from the Past and Anticipating the Future. The Case of the London Olympics 2012". Financed by the German Research Foundation (DFG) (215.027 €). |
12/2011 – 05/2013 | "Port City Networks: Interdependencies of Global Shipping Networks and Urban Transformations of Port Cities". Joint research project with C. Hein (Brywn Mawr College), D. Schubert (HCU Hamburg). Financed by the German Research Foundation (DFG) (24.074 €). |
12/2011 – 12/2013 | "Low Budget Urbanity - Transforming the Urban under the Imperative of Saving". Joint research project with A. Färber, B. Kniess (HCU Hamburg), M. Heßler (Helmut-Schmidt-University Hamburg). Speaker: A. Färber. Financed by the Science Foundation Hamburg (Wissenschaftsstiftung Hamburg) (Project module G. Grabher: 51.429 €). |
06/2007 | "Second Global Conference on Economic Geography, Key Note". Financed by the Chinese Academy of Science (1.750 €). |
06/2006 – 05/2008 | "Mobile Places, Virtual Networks: The Geography of Customer-Driven Processes of Innovation. Co-Development in Hybrid Communities of Practice". Financed by the German Research Foundation (DFG) (129.340 €). |
01/2006 – 12/2012 | "Globalization and Regional Innovation Systems". Joint research project with the University of British Columbia, University of Calgary, University of Ottowa, Université de Montreal, University of Toronto. Speaker: M. Gertler Financed by the Canadian Social Science and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) (Project module G. Grabher: 25.000 €). |
09/2005 – 08/2007 | "Learning in Personal Networks: Collaborative Knowledge Production in Virtual Forums". Joint research project with D. Stark (Columbia University New York). Financed by the Volkswagen Foundation (153.800 €). |
07/2005 – 12/2006 | "Learning from Rare Events: Repositories of Knowledge in Temporary Organizations". Joint research project with A. Prencipe (University of Sussex), E. Ciacciatori (Bocconi Business School Milan). Financed by the Anglo-German Foundation and the Italian Research Foundation (FIRB) (38.280 €). |
06/2004 – 12/2006 | "Knowledge, Governance and Projects. Configurations and Dynamics of the Project-Based Economy". Joint research project with A. Grandori (Bocconi Business School Milan), P. Maskell (Copenhagen Business School), P. Kenis (Tilburg University), P. Cohendet (Université Strasbourg), M. Ebers (Universität zu Köln). Project leader: A. Grandori. Financed by the Italian Research Foundation (FIRB) (Project module G. Grabher: 58.290 €). |
08/2002 – 06/2005 | "Knowledge Production in Projects. Comparing Project Ecologies in the Munich Software and the Hamburg Advertising Industry". Financed by the German Research Foundation (DFG) (134.705 €). |
01/2002 – 06/2004 | "Networks in Economic Life: An Overview on Major Theoretical Debates". Joint research project with W. Powell (Stanford University). Financed by the Rockefeller Foundation (42.195 €). |
07/2001 – 12/2004 | "Political Lock-Ins in Traditional Industrial Areas: Comparing Shipbuilding and Textile Regions in Germany and South-Korea". Financed by the German Research Foundation (DFG) (112.520 €). |
10/2000 – 09/2001 | "Beyond the Firm: The Social and Spatial Dynamics of Project-Organization". Financed by the Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) (15.950 €). |
08/1997 – 07/1999 | "Local Clusters and Global Networks in the British Advertising Industry". Financed by the Research Foundation of Baden-Württemberg (51.620 €). |
03/1994 – 09/1995 | "Clans, Clientelism, and Corruption: Informal Economic Activities in the Hungarian and Polish Trucking Industry". Financed by the International Partnership Foundation, the Center for Advanced Studies in the Behavioral Sciences Palo Alto and the Center for International Studies at Cornell University (55.245 €). |
07/1993 – 06/1994 | "The Role of Redundant Capacities in Regional Development: Theoretical Perspectives and Empirical Application". Financed by the Austrian Federal Chancellery, Dept. IV-4 (40.745 €). |
04/1991 – 03/1994 | "The Role of Networks in the Decentralization of Combines and the Foundation of New Firms in East Germany and Hungary". Joint research project with I. Gabor, L. Neumann (Budapest Economics University). Financed by the International Partnership Initiative, Collegium Budapest and the Austrian Academy of Science (158.000 €). |
12/1987 – 12/1990 | "Inter-Firm Networks and Regional Change: New Forms of Collaborative Organization in the Coal, Iron and Steel Industry of the Ruhr". Financed by the Fritz Thyssen Stiftung, the Swedish Council for Work Life Issues and the Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research (81.200 €). |
07/1985 – 06/1986 | "Industrial Renewal in an Old Industrial Area: the Case of Lower Austria". Financed by the Regional Development Agency Lower Austria (7.395 €). |
2023 | Handbook on the Economic Geographies of Networks. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar (under contract). |
2015 | (With J. Thiel), Self-Induced Shocks: Mega-Projects and Urban Development. Berlin: Jovis (Perspectives in Metropolitan Research). |
2004 | (With W. W. Powell), Networks. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar (Critical Studies in Economic Institutions Series), 2 Volumes, v + 1290. |
1997 | (With D. Stark), Restructuring Networks in Post-Socialism: Legacies, Linkages, and Localities. Oxford: Oxford University Press, x + 351. |
1994 | In Praise of Waste. Redundancy in Regional Development: A Socioeconomic Case. Berlin: Edition Sigma, (second edition 1995), iv + 166 (in German). |
1993 | The Embedded Firm. On the Socioeconomics of Industrial Networks. London and New York: Routledge, (second edition 1994), xiv + 306. |
1992 | (With J. Kregel and E. Matzner), The Market Shock. An Agenda for the Economic and Social Reconstruction of Central and Eastern Europe. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, v + 198 pp (translated into Bulgarian, Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Serbo-Croat, Spanish). |
1988 | De-Industrialization or Neo-Industrialization? Innovation Processes and Innovation Policies in Old Industrial Areas. Berlin: Edition Sigma, vi + 336 (in German). |
1986 | (With B. Brezina, K. Ceron, and N. Ströbinger), Tourism and Regional Development. Vienna: Wiener Beiträge zur Regionalwissenschaft, iv + 183 (in German) |
2023 | (With L. Coenen), “Experimenting the City: Between Incremental Projectification and Urban Transformation.” Cities (130) [in progress]. |
2023 | (With K. Frenken), “Beyond Networks: Trajectories and Geographies of Platformization.” Journal of Economic Geography [in progress]. |
2015 | (With E. Schüßler and G. Müller-Seitz), “Field-Configuring Events: Arenas for Innovation and Learning?” Industry and Innovation (22)3. |
2014 | (With O. Ibert, G. Christmann and H. Kilper), “Constructing Resilience, Negotiating Vulnerability.” Social Sciences 3(4). |
2009 | “Yet Another Turn? The Evolutionary Economic Project.” Economic Geography 85(2). |
2007 | (With R. DeFillippi and C. Jones), “Paradoxes of Creativity: Managerial and Organizational Challenges in the Cultural Economy.” Journal of Organizational Behavior 28(3). |
2005 | (With K. Einig, O. Ibert, and W. Strubelt), “Urban Governance.” Informationen zur Raumentwicklung, 9 (in German). |
2003 | (With R. Hassink), “Fuzzy Concepts, Scanty Evidence, Policy Distance: Responding to Ann Markusen.” Sub-Section of Regional Studies 37(6/7). |
2002 | “Fragile Sector, Robust Practice: Project Ecologies in New Media.” Environment & Planning A 34(11). |
2002 | “Production in Projects: Economic Geographies of Temporary Collaboration.” Regional Studies, Special Issue 36(5). |
2023 | (With J.Thiel), „Abolish, accept, apply: Coping with ignorance in project ecologies.“ Project Management Journal, OnlineFirst. |
2022 | (With L. Coenen), “Anti-Planning? The New Orthodoxy of Urban Experimentalism.” Urban Studies (60) [in progress]. |
2022 | (With F. Mello Rose and J. Thiel), “Selective inclusion: Civil society involvement in the smart city ecology of Amsterdam.” European Urban and Regional Studies 29(3): 369- 382. |
2021 | “Enclosure 4.0: Seizing data, selling predictions, scaling platforms.” Sociologica 14(3): 241-265. |
2020 | (With J. König), “Disruption, embedded. A Polanyian framing of the platform economy.” Sociologica 14(1): 95-118. |
2020 | (With E. Tuijl), “Uber-production. From global networks to digital platforms?” Environment and Planning (A) 52(5): 1005-1016. |
2020 | (With A. Melchior and B. Schiemer), “’Hägerstrand online’: A methodical template for the analysis of space-time trajectories in collaborations.” Raumforschung und Raumordnung 78(1): 1–13. |
2019 | (With B. Schiemer and E. Schüßler), “Collaborative Innovation Online: Entanglements of the Making of Content, Skills, and Community on a Songwriting Platform.” Research in the Sociology of Organizations 64: 293-316. |
2018 | “Marginality as strategy: Leveraging peripherality for creativity.” Environment & Planning A, Special Issue on Creativity in Arts and Sciences: Collective Processes from a Spatial Perspective. 50(8): 1785-1794. |
2017 | (With A. Melchior, B. Schiemer, E. Schüßler and J. Sydow), “From being there to being aware: Confronting geographical and sociological imaginations of copresence.” Environment and Planning (A) 50(1): 245-255. |
2015 | (With E. Schüßler and G. Müller-Seitz), “Field-Configuring Events: Arenas for Innovation and Learning? Introduction.“ Industry and Innovation (22)3: 165-172. |
2015 | (With J. Thiel), “Crossing Boundaries: Exploring the London Olympics 2012 as a Field-Configuring Event.“ Industry and Innovation (22)3: 229-249. |
2015 | (With J. Thiel), “Projects, People, Professions: Trajectories of Learning through a Mega-Event (the London 2012 Case).“ Geoforum 65: 328-337. |
2015 | (With J. Thiel), “Heterarchy: Urban Adaptability to Self-Induced Shocks?” Social Sciences, Special Issue 3(4): 527-548. |
2013 | (With O. Ibert), “Distance as Asset? Collaborative Knowledge Production in Hybrid Online Communities.” Journal of Economic Geography 14(1): 97-123. |
2012 | (With E. Cacciatori and D. Tamoschus), “Knowledge Transfer across Projects: Codification in Creative, High-Tech and Engineering Industries.” Management Learning 43(3): 309-311. |
2009 | “Introduction: Yet another Turn? The Evolutionary Economic Project.” Special Issue Economic Geography 85(2): 119-128. |
2008 | (With O. Ibert and S. Flohr), “The Neglected King: Consumers in the New Knowledge Ecology of Innovation.” Economic Geography 84(3): 253-280. |
2007 | (With R. DeFillippi and C. Jones), “Introduction to Paradoxes of Creativity: Managerial Challenges in the Creative Industries.” Journal of Organizational Behavior 28(5): 511- 521. |
2006 | “Trading Routes, Bypasses, and Risky Intersections: Mapping the Travels of ‘Networks’ between Economic Sociology and Economic Geography.” Progress in Human Geography 30(2): 163-189. |
2006 | (With O. Ibert), “Bad company? The ambiguity of personal knowledge networks.” Journal of Economic Geography 6(3): 251-271. |
2005 | (With K. Einig, O. Ibert, and W. Strubelt), “Urban Governance.” Informationen zur Raumentwicklung, Special Issue 9: 1-10 (in German). |
2004 | “Temporary Architectures of Learning: Knowledge Governance in Project Ecologies.” Organization Studies, Special Issue 25(9): 1491-1514. |
2004 | “Learning in Projects, Remembering in Networks? Communality, Sociality, and Connectivity in Project Ecologies.” European Urban and Regional Studies 11(2): 99-119. |
2004 | “The markets are back!” Progress in Human Geography 28(4): 421-423. |
2003 | “Fuzzy Concepts, Scanty Evidence, Policy Distance? Debating Ann Markusen' s Assessment of Critical Regional Studies.” Regional Studies 37(6/7): 699-700. |
2002 | “Fragile Sector, Robust Practice: Project Ecologies in New Media.” Environment & Planning A, Theme Issue 34(11): 1911-1927. |
2002 | “Cool Projects, Boring Institutions: Temporary Collaboration in Social Context.” Regional Studies, Special Issue 36(3): 213-222. Reprint in: Cropper, S., Ebers, M. and Smith Ring, P., eds., 2012, Inter-Organizational Relations. Los Angeles, London, New Delhi: Sage. |
2002 | “The Project Ecology of Advertising: Tasks, Talents, and Teams.” Regional Studies, Special Issue 36(3): 245-262. |
2001 | “Ecologies of Creativity: The Village, the Group and the Heterarchic Organisation of the British Advertising Industry.” Environment & Planning A 33(2): 351-374. Reprint in: Hoyler, M. and Taylor, P. J., eds, 2012, Global Cities. London: Routledge |
2001 | “Locating Economic Action: Projects, Networks, Localities and Institutions.” Environment & Planning A, 33(8): 1329-1331. |
1998 | “Urbi et Orbi. Local Economies in Global Cities.” In: Der Öffentliche Sektor, 24 (2/3): 1- 24 (in German). |
1997 | (With D. Stark), “Organizing Diversity: Evolutionary Theory, Network Analysis, and Post-Socialism.” In: Regional Studies, 31(5): 533-544. |
1994 | “Instant Capitalism. Fragile Direct Investment in Eastern Germany.” Netherlands Geographical Studies, 181: 109-131 |
1993 | “Growth-Coalitions and Blockade-Alliances. The Role of Networks in Regional Development.” Informationen zur Raumentwicklung, 3: 111-121 (in German). |
1992 | “In Praise of Waste. The Significance of Redundant Capacities in Regional Development.” Der Öffentliche Sektor, 17(2/3): 96-111 (in German). |
1992 | “Le Capitalisme sans Capitalistes? Démantèlement des Combinats, Investissements Occidentaux et Création d`Entreprises en Allemagne de'l Est.” Allemagne d'Aujourd'hui, 121: 65-84. |
1992 | “The Sold Economy: An Account of East German Privatisation Policy.” Employment Observatory East Germany of the Commission of the European Communities, 3: 3-6. |
1991 | “The New Divide. Economic Polarization in Eastern Germany.” Austrian Journal for Spatial Planning, 2: 15-22 (in German). |
1990 | “Between Markets and Hierarchies: New Forms of Inter-Firm Cooperation.” Der Öffentliche Sektor, 15(1): 14-25 (in German). |
1989 | “Regional Policy against De-Industrialization?” Jahrbuch für Regionalwissenschaft, 9: 59-82 (in German). |
1989 | “Regional Innovation by Networking: The Austrian Experience.” Journal of Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 2: 141-47. |
1987 | “The Case of Lower Austria: Reorganizing an Old Industrial Area.” Planung und Umwelt, 3: 3-9 (in German). |
1986 | “New Information and Communication Technologies in Old Industrial Areas.” Der Öffentliche Sektor, 11(3): 3-28 (in German). |
1986 | “Prometheus, Bound: The Role of Industrial Policies and Technical Change in Regional Development.” Der Öffentliche Sektor, 11(2): 28-59 (in German). |
1984 | (With W. Failmayr and Ch. Schremmer), “Socioeconomic Impacts of Tourism.” Seminarberichte der Gesellschaft für Regionalforschung, 21: 147-186 (in German). |
1984 | “Experimental Labour Market Policy.” Planung und Umwelt, 3: 41-44 (in German). |
2024 | (With J. Thiel), ”Labore und Legtimation: auf dem Weg zur experimentellen Stadt?” In: Frank, S., Güntner, S., Menzl, M. und Sturm, G. eds., Soziologie in der vielschichtigen Stadt. Wiesbaden: Springer VS: 133-144. |
2021 | (With J. Thiel), ”Embracing Temporal Ambiguities? Innovation and the Temporalities of Large-Scale Projects.” In: Thiel, J., V. Dimitrova and Ruge, J. eds. Constructing Innovation: How Large-Scale Projects Drive Novelty in the Construction Industry. Berlin: Jovis, pp. 111-126. |
2021 | (With J. Dreher, M. Grubbauer and J. Thiel), “Mobile Interaction, Sticky Products: Geographies of Innovation in Large-Scale Projects.” In: Thiel, J., V. Dimitrova and Ruge, J. eds. Constructing Innovation: How Large-Scale Projects Drive Novelty in the Construction Industry. Berlin: Jovis, pp. 86-104. |
2020 | (With J. Thiel), “Innovation und Pfadabhängigkeit: Selbst induzierte Schocks und ihre Konsequenzen.“ In: Breckner, I., Göschel, A. und Matthiesen, U., eds. Stadtsoziologie und Stadtentwicklung. Baden-Baden: Nomos, pp. 755-766. |
2018 | (With O. Ibert), “Towards the Schumpeterian Customer? How Active Users shape Innovation.” In: Clark, G.L., Feldman M.P, Gertler, M.S. and D. Wójcik, eds., The New Oxford Handbook of Economic Geography. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 286- 304. |
2018 | (With B. Lelong and M. Nagel), “Political deadlock. A network analysis of decision processes in urban politics.” Yearbook of Swiss Administrative Sciences 2017: 133–149. |
2017 | (With O. Ibert), “Knowledge Collaboration in Hybrid Virtual Communities.” In: Bathelt, H., Cohendet, P., Henn, S. and Simon, L., eds., The Elgar Companion to Innovation and Knowledge Creation: A Multi-Disciplinary Approach. Cheltenham: Edgar Elgar Publishing, pp. 537-555. |
2017 | (With J. König), “Performing Network Theory? Reflexive Relationship Management on Social Network Sites.” In: Hollstein, B., Matiakse, W. and Schnapp, K.-U., (eds), Networked Governance. Governing Networks and Governance via Networks. Berlin: Springer Publishers, pp. 121-140. |
2012 | (With O. Ibert), “Project Ecologies: A Contextual View on Temporary Organizations.” In: Morris, P. Pinto, J. and Söderlund, J., eds., The Oxford Handbook on Project Management. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 175-201. |
2009 | “Networks.” In: Kitchen, R. and Thrift, N., eds., The International Encyclopedia of Human Geography. Oxford: Elsevier, pp. 405-413. |
2007 | (With J. Maintz) “Learning in Personal Networks: Collaborative Knowledge Production in Virtual Forums.” In: Hof, H. and Wengenroth, U., eds., Innovation Research: Concepts, Methods, and Perspectives. Münster: LIT, pp. 187-202. |
2005 | “The Socio-Economics of Projects. A Kaleidoscopic View on Temporary Organizations.” In: Matzner, G. and Chaloupek, G., eds., Recent Advances in Socio-Economics. Marburg: Metropolis, pp. 7-23. |
2004 | (With W.W. Powell), “Exploring the Webs of Economic Life.” In: Grabher, G. and Powell, W. W., eds., Networks. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar (Critical Studies in Economic Institutions Series), pp. 1-36. |
2004 | “The City, the Village, and the Club: Knowledge Milieus in Project Ecologies.” In: Matthiesen, U. and Bürkner, H.-J., eds., City Regions and Knowledge. Opladen: Leske and Budrich, pp. 279-293 (in German). |
2003 | “Switching Ties, Recombining Teams: Avoiding Lock-In Through Project Organization?” In: Fuchs, G. and Shapira, P., eds., Rethinking Regional Innovation and Change: Path Dependency or Regional Breakthrough? Dordrecht: Kluwer, pp. 63-84. |
1997 | “Adaptation at the Cost of Adaptability? Restructuring the East German Regional Economy.” In: Grabher, G. and Stark, D., eds., Restructuring Networks in Post-Socialism: Legacies, Linkages, and Localities, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 107-134 |
1995 | “The Elegance of Incoherence. Economic Transformation in East Germany and Hungary.” In: Dittrich, E.; Schmidt, G. and Whitley, R., eds., Industrial Transformation in Europe, London: Sage, pp. 33-54. |
1994 | “The Dis-Embedded Economy. The Transformation of East German Industrial Complexes into Western Enclosures.” In: Amin, A. and Thrift, N., eds., Globalization, Institutions, and Regional Development in Europe, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp.177-196. |
1993 | “The Weakness of Strong Ties: The Lock-in of Regional Development in the Ruhr Area.” In: Grabher, G., ed., The Embedded Firm. On the Socioeconomics of Interfirm Relations, London and New York: Routledge, pp. 255-278. (Italian translation: “La Debolezza Dei Legami Forti. Il Ruolo Ambivalente Della Cooperazione Inter-Aziendale.” Piccola Impresa, 2: 3-25). |
1993 | “Rediscovering the Social in the Economics of Interfirm Relations.” In: Grabher, G., ed., The Embedded Firm. On the Socioeconomics of Interfirm Relations, London and New York: Routledge, pp. 1-33. |
1992 | “Eastern Conquista. The 'Truncated Industrialization' of East European Regions by Large West European Corporations.” In: Ernste, H. and Meier,V., ed., Regional Development: A Contemporary Response, London: Belhaven Press, pp. 219-233. |
1991 | “Rebuilding Cathedrals in the Desert: New Cooperation Patterns between Large and Small Firms in the Coal, Iron, and Steel Complex.” In: Bergman, E.M.; Maier, G. and Tödtling, F., eds., Regions Reconsidered: Economic Networks, Innovation, and Local Development in Industrialized Countries, London: Cassell, pp. 59-75. |
1991 | “Against De-Industrialization. A Strategy for Old Industrial Areas.” In: Matzner, E. and Streeck, W., eds., Beyond Keynesianism: The Socio-Economics of Production and Full Employment, Aldershot: Edward Elgar, pp. 62-81. |
1991 | “Networks - An Approach for Revitalizing the Ruhr Area?” In: Hilbert, J.; Kleinaltenkamp, M.; Nordhause-Janz, J. and Widmaier, B., eds., New Modes of Industrial Cooperation, Opladen: Leske & Budrich, pp. 95-109 (in German). |
1990 | “From Hierarchies towards Networks: Reorganizing Old Industrial Areas.” In: European Association for the Transfer of Technology, Innovation and Industrial Information, ed., Enterprise, Innovation and 1992: Innovation Support Services in Europe, Luxemburg: TII, pp. 114-31. |
1988 | (With E. Matzner), “Perspectives for Regional Policy: From Micro-Economic Efficiency towards Macro-Economic Rationality.” In: Industriegewerkschaft Metall, ed., Towards a Responsible and Solidary Economy, Cologne: Bund-Verlag, pp. 61-77 (in German). |
1988 | “Flexible Specialization - A Strategy for Old Industrial Areas?” In: Austrian Working Group on Self-Reliant Regional Development, ed., The Awakening of the Periphery, Vienna: ÖAR, pp. 130-141 (in German). |
Cambridge Journal of Regions Economy and Society (since 8/2006)
Economic Geography (since 01/2003)
Environment and Planning A (since 9/1998)
European Urban and Regional Studies (since 3/1999)
Industry and Innovation (since 4/2005)
Progress in Human Geography (01/2002 – 06/2009)
Regional Studies (since 12/1997)
Regional Studies - Regional Science (since 11/2013)
Social Sciences (since 6/2011)
Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers (6/2005-5/2008)
2022 | Sixth Global Conference on Economic Geography, Member of the Conference Advisory Committee, Dublin, June. |
Sixth Global Conference on Economic Geography, Co-convenor (with L. Coenen), Special Session “Experimenting the City: Between Incremental Projectification and Urban Transformation”, Dublin, June. | |
Sixth Global Conference on Economic Geography, Co-convenor (with K. Frenken), Special Session “From Disruption to Domination: Trajectories and Geographies of Platformization”, Dublin, June. | |
38th EGOS Colloquium, Sub-theme 1: “Organization and Time: Time as X and X as Time”, Vienna, July. | |
38th EGOS Colloquium, Sub-theme 39: “Learning from Imperfect Projects”, Vienna, July. | |
2019 | 35th EGOS Colloquium, Sub-theme 43: “Cities as Sites and Drivers of Organizational Action“, Edinburgh, July. |
35th EGOS Colloquium, Sub-theme 66: “Temporality and Project-based Organizing“, Edinburgh, July. | |
31st SASE Annual Meeting, Network J: “Digital Economy”, New York, June. | |
31st SASE Annual Meeting, Panel Session: “Global Value Chains Analysis: Past, Present, and the Future”, New York, June. | |
International Conference of the Karl Polanyi Society, Plenary Discussion: “’Commodity fiction’ unbroken? Commodification and counter-movements”, Vienna, May. | |
International Conference of the Karl Polanyi Society, Track 5: “Financial Markets and Digital Economy”, Vienna, May. | |
2018 | Fifth Global Conference on Economic Geography, Member of the Conference Advisory Committee, Cologne, July. |
Fifth Global Conference on Economic Geography, Co-convenor (with O. Ibert), Panel Session: “The (silent) triumphs of the periphery: conceptualizing creativity from the margins”, Cologne, July. | |
Fifth Global Conference on Economic Geography, Co-convenor (with K. Frenken), Panel Session: “The Rise of the Platform Economy”, Cologne, July. | |
30th SASE Annual Meeting, Panel Session: “Marketization and the Digital Economy”, Kyoto, June. | |
“Performances of Value”, University of Warwick, London, May. | |
Annual Meeting of the American Association of Geographers, Panel Session: “Smart Cities, Stupid Outcomes? Ambiguities of Smart City Policies“, New Orleans, April. | |
2017 | “Market, Politics and Society: Continuity and Transformation", Zhejiang University Institute for Advanced Study in Humanities and Social Sciences, Hangzhou, September. |
29th SASE Annual Meeting, Panel Session “Regulating Platform Capitalism: The Emerging Role of Digital Intermediaries”, Lyon, June. | |
Annual Meeting of the American Association of Geographers, Panel Session: “Geographies of dissociation. Analyzing practices of valuation from cultural and political economic perspectives“, Boston, April. | |
Annual Meeting of the American Association of Geographers, Panel Session: “Local Anchors in Trans-local Knowledge Communities “, Boston, April. | |
2016 | Third International Workshop on the Sharing Economy, Keynote Speaker, Southampton, September. |
4th International Workshop “Megaprojects: Theory meets Practice”, Keynote Speaker, Rome, May. | |
Annual Meeting of the American Association of Geographers, Co-Convenor (with K. Frenken and P. Pelzer), Panel Sessions: “Sharing Economies: The Struggle for Consolidation 1-3“, San Francisco, April. | |
Annual Meeting of the American Association of Geographers, Panel Session: “The Geography of Entrepreneurship and its Ecosystems “, San Francisco, April. | |
“The Open Region. Creating Innovation Opportunities”, Proposal to the Economic Board of the Region Gelderland, The Netherlands. | |
2015 | Jahreskongress des Forums deutscher Wirtschaftsförderer, Keynote Speaker, Berlin, November. |
Fourth Global Conference on Economic Geography, Member of the Conference Advisory Committee, Oxford, August. | |
Fourth Global Conference on Economic Geography, Special Session: “Digital Labor, Digital Production and Distribution”, Oxford, August. | |
Fourth Global Conference on Economic Geography, Special Session: “Valuation Economies: Changing Forms of Co-Production and Consumption”, Oxford, August. | |
First International Workshop on the Sharing Economy, Keynote Speaker, Utrecht, June. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Geographers, Panel Session: “Big | |
Projects, Mega Complexity, Gigantic Impacts”, Chicago, April. | |
Annual Meeting of the American Association of Geographers, Panel Session: “Reimagining the Global Economy: Towards a Geography of Use Values”, Chicago, April. | |
2013 | 3rd INTERREG Conference EM Normandie and University of Southampton |
“Creative Industries: A Think Tank for Innovative Practices in Management, Strategy and Organization”, Deauville, France, November. | |
1st International Workshop „Megaprojects: Theory meets Practice“, London, September. | |
Royal Geographical Society with the Institute of British Geographers Annual Conference, Panel Session: “Advancing the Understanding of Regional Economic Adaptability“, London, August. | |
Annual Meeting of the American Association of Geographers, Co-Convenor (with J. Thiel), Panel Session: “An Unlikely Success Story? Olympic Cities and the London 2012 Experience”, Los Angeles, April. | |
Annual Meeting of the American Association of Geographers, Panel Session: “Time-spatial Approaches to Knowledge-Creation”, Los Angeles, April. | |
International Conference “Constructing Resilience”, Co-Organizer with Leibniz-Institute for Regional Development and Structural Planning (IRS), Berlin, January. | |
International Workshop: “Global Gateways, Local Dead-Ends? The Transformation of Port Cities between Blockade and Mobilization“, Co-organizer with Bryn Mawr College Philadelphia, Hamburg, January. | |
2012 | “Knowledge Networking – Exploring Social Dynamics of Innovation” Joint conference of the DFG/NWO ‘University Networking’ and ‘Social Dynamics of Innovation Networks’ Networks, Aachen, December. |
Regional Studies Association Early Career Conference “Times of Change: Future Directions in Geography, Urban and Regional Studies”, Keynote Speaker, Hamburg, November. | |
“Embeddedness and Beyond: Do Sociological Theories meet Economic Realities?” Keynote Speaker, Joint Interim Conference of ISA Economy and Society and ESA Economic Sociology Network and ASA Economic Sociology Section, Moscow, October. | |
Summer Institute in Economic Geography, Featured Speaker, Zurich, July. | |
“The Marketization of Society: Economizing the Non-Economic”, Conference organized by the sections Sociological Theory and Economic Sociology of the German Sociological Association, Bremen, June. | |
Making Projects Critical Workshop 6, Manchester, April. | |
Annual Meeting of the American Association of Geographers, New York, February. | |
Panel Session: “Mega-Events – from Eventful Cities to Regional Development”, Panel Discussion: “The Social Factory Revisited”. | |
“Economic Sociology meets Economic Geography”, Columbia University, Center on Organizational Innovation, New York, February. | |
2011 | Third Global Conference on Economic Geography, Member of the Conference Advisory Committee, Seoul, June. |
2010 | Annual Conference of the Innovation Systems Research Network, Toronto, May. |
2009 | “Knowledge and its Context in the World of Tomorrow”, Deutscher Geographentag, Vienna, September. |
2008 | EGOS Colloquium, Sub-theme „Organizing Innovation by Collaboration“, Amsterdam, July |
The Diversity and Dynamics of Global City Regions: Asian and European Cities Compared, Shanghai, June. | |
Annual Conference of the Innovation Systems Research Network, Montreal, May. | |
2007 | Second Global Conference on Economic Geography, Keynote Speaker and Member of the Conference Advisory Committee, Beijing, June. |
9th International Conference General Online Research, Leipzig, March. | |
2006 | “Communities of Practice: A Driver for Innovation and Competitive Advantage?”, International Conference of the EU Network of Excellence on Dynamics of Institutions and Markets in Europe, Durham, October. |
“10 Years Boundaryless Career ... what next?”, Symposium at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Atlanta, August. | |
“Constituting Globalization: Actors, Arenas and Outcomes”, 18th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics, Trier, July. | |
“Relationality and the Space Economy”, Panel Discussion, 102nd Annual Meeting of the American Association of Geographers, Chicago, March. | |
2005 | “New Economic Geographies of Global Knowledge Production”, Royal Geographical Society with the Institute of British Geographers Annual Conference, London, August. |
“Mobile Geographies / Mobile Sociologies”, Invited Presidential Choice Panel, 17th Annual Conference of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics, Budapest, July. | |
The Sixth European Conference on Organizational Knowledge. Learning and Capabilities (OKLC), Boston, March. | |
“Knowledge Networks, Innovation and Employment Relationships”, Joint Conference of the London School of Economics and Brunel University, January. | |
2004 | “Space, Places and Flows in the New Europe”, Fifth Annual European Urban and Regional Research Conference, Warsaw, September. |
“Private Powers and Public Domains”, 16th Annual Conference of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics, Washington, July. | |
“Governance of Projects”, European Academy of Management, St. Andrews, May. | |
“Creativity and Urban Economies”, Centennial Meeting of the American Association of Geographers, Philadelphia, March. | |
ESRC Conference on the Cultural and Creative Industries, Belfast, March. | |
2003 | “Innovation and Diversity: Temporal and Spatial Aspects”, Berlin Technical University, October. |
“Knowledge Spaces: Multiple Contexts for Knowledge Creation and Knowledge Practices”, Symposium at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Seattle, August. | |
19th Colloquium of the European Group for Organization Studies, Copenhagen, July. | |
“The Social Construction of Clusters”, Stockholm School of Economics, May. | |
“Making Projects Critical”, Bristol Business School, April. | |
2002 | “New Directions in Network Research: Comparative Perspectives”, Social Science Research Council (SSRC) and Rockefeller Foundation, Bellagio, August. |
“Cultural Industries and the Production of Culture”, 98th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Geographers, Los Angeles, March. | |
“Rethinking Regional Innovation and Change: Path Dependency or Regional Breakthrough?”, Stuttgart Academy of Technology Assessment, February. | |
2001 | 13th Annual Conference of the European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy, Siena, November. |
“From Firms to Projects? Old and New Forms of Project Organization”, Copenhagen Business School, October. | |
2000 | First Global Conference on Economic Geography, Singapore, December. |
“Heterarchies: Organizing in Turbulent Environments”, Santa Fe Institute, October. | |
“Distributed Intelligence and the Organization of Diversity”, Columbia University, New York, March. | |
“The Firm in Economic Geography”, University of Portsmouth, March. | |
“Governance, States and Markets”, Royal Geographical Society with the Institute of British Geographers Annual Conference, Brighton, 2000. | |
1999 | Eleventh Annual Conference of the European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy, Prague, November. |
Annual Conference of the American Sociological Association, Chicago, August. | |
“Media-Management between Globalization and Regionalization”, Free University Berlin, June. | |
1998 | “Regional Advantage and Innovation: A Multilevel Perspective”, Porto, November. |
Tenth Annual Conference of the European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy, Lisbon, November. | |
“Theories and Processes of Transition”, European Science Foundation Research Network on Social Transformations in Central and Eastern Europe, Paris, May. | |
“A Tale of Two Regions: Eastern Germany and Southern Italy”, Minda de Ginzburg Center for European Studies, Harvard University, March. | |
1997 | Ninth Annual Conference of the European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy, Athens, November. |
European Congress of the Regional Science Association, Frankfurt/Oder, September | |
Eleventh International Conference of Europeanists, Chicago, March. | |
1996 | Eight International Conference of the European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy, Antwerp, November. |
“Inter-Firm Networks: Outcomes and Policy Implications”, European Science Foundation, Scientific Programme on European Management and Organizations in Transition, Modena, September. | |
“Economic Reform and Legal Change in Cuba”, Friedrich Ebert Foundation and Center for European Studies, Havana, June. | |
“Lessons from Transformation”, Third AGENDA-Conference, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, April. | |
1995 | “Dynamics of Industrial Transformation in East-Central Europe and Pacific Asia”, European Science Foundation, Scientific Programme on European Management and Organizations in Transition, Budapest, May. |
Planning Workshop of the Regional Science Association, London, March. | |
1994 | “Re-Reading the Great Transformation”, Fifth International Conference of the Karl Polanyi Institute of Political Economy, Vienna, November. |
Ninth International Conference of Europeanists, University of Chicago, March. | |
“Processes of Industrial Transformation in East and West”, European Science Foundation, Scientific Programme on European Management and Organizations in Transition, Nuremberg, May. | |
1993 | “Conflict and Cohesion in the European Single Market”, Centre for Urban and Regional Studies at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne, November. |
Fifth Annual Conference of the European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy, Barcelona, October. | |
“Demise of the Nation State? The Triple Challenge of European Integration, Globalization and Regionalism”, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, June. | |
“New Directions in Research on Europe”, Meeting of the Pan-Europe Working Group of the American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) and the Social Science Research Council (SSRC), Science Center Berlin, May. | |
“Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Study of Economic Problems”, Fifth Annual International Conference of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics, New School for Social Research, New York, March. | |
1992 | Planning Workshop of the European Science Foundation, Scientific Programme on European Management and Organizations in Transition, Milan, June. |
“Socio-Economic Reform in Central and Eastern Europe”, Prague University, May. | |
“Science Parks and Local Economic Development in Europe: Theory and Practice”, University of Siena, May. | |
General Conference of the European Science Foundation, Scientific Programme on Regional and Urban Restructuring in Europe, Budapest, February. | |
1991 | “European Contributions to the Science of Organizations”, European Institute of Business Administration (INSEAD), Fontainbleau, November. |
Conference of the European Science Foundation, Scientific Programme on Regional and Urban Restructuring, Barcelona, September. | |
“Interregional Cooperation in Europe”, European University Institute, Florence, June. | |
1990 | “Flexible Specialization in Europe”, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, October. |
“Industrial Districts and Inter-Firm Cooperation: Lessons and Policies to Implant”, International Institute for Labour Studies, Université du Quebec à Trois-Riviers, April. | |
“Monetary and Economic Union in the European Community”, European University Institute, Florence, February. | |
1989 | “Enterprise, Innovation and 1992: Innovation Support Services in Europe”, European Association for the Transfer of Technology, Innovation and Industrial Information, Nice, October. |
9th Colloquium of the European Group for Organization Studies, Science Center Berlin, July. | |
1988 | “Interfirm Innovation Dynamics”, Six Countries Programme on Aspects of Government Policies Toward Technological Innovation in Industry, Stuttgart, October. |
27th European Congress of the Regional Science Association, Pantios Graduate School of Political Science, Athens, August. |