Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alenka Poplin

Computer-based Methods in Urban and Regional Planning


Neuigkeit | News

News from the Department.


Personen | Staff

Professor, research assistants, visiting researchers und student assistants.

Forschung | Research

Ongoing and completed research, research projects and research reports.

Lehre | Teaching

Courses, student projects, theses and a selection of topics for Bachelor- and Masterthesis.

Publikationen | Publications

Books, journal articles, book chapters, conference articles and presentations.

Bilder | Photos

Impressions from the Department


Hamburg July 2014

End of Semester 2014 - Celebration!

3-6 June, Castellión, Spain

Alenka and Eszter present their <link file:7135 partici pecs agile2014>Paper at the AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science.

21-23 May 2014 - Vienna, Austria

Bärbel presented our <link file:7242 reinart poplin paper games in urban>comparative study at the CORP Conference in Vienna.

Neuigkeiten aus unserem Labor

GeoGames Lab is dedicated to research and design of serious games for public participation, e-participation in urban planning and playful learning. <link bachelor stadtplanung arbeitsgebiete alenka-krek-poplin neuigkeiten-news _top>more...

November 2013 - Hamburg, Germany

Congratulations to Stella Geyer for her bachelor thesis! more...

August 2013 - Hamburg, Germany

Congratulations to Clara Thomas - she succesfully completed her BA in Urban Planning!  more...

02-05 July 2013 - Uetrecht (NL)

Alenka presented at the 13th International Conference on Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management (CUPUM).

Hamburg July 2013

We celebrated the end of the summer semester.

Vorlesungen im Sommersemester 2014

Computergestütztes Planen und Entwerfen II, Freitags 10:15-13:45 PC-Pool 2.118 - Einzeltermine im Holcim-Auditorium, siehe Curriculum


HCU Hamburg
Computer-based Methods in Urban and Regional Planning

Überseeallee 16
D-20457 Hamburg

5th Floor | Room 5.026
Phone: +49(0)40/42827-4520
Fax: +49(0)40/42827-5096