Chinese-German Cooperation on Electromobility

HCU Working Group: Environmentally Sound Urban and Infrastructure Planning

Project: Sino-German Electromobility Research (SINGER)

More than half of humanity lives in cities. Electromobility provides –particularly for China’s urban growth – a strategic technological solution to the development of environmentally sustainable transport. This emerging focus relies on the combination of public personal mobility services, such as car sharing and a shift away from economy-based traffic towards electric vehicles. The aim of electromobility is to not only change how people drive in the current system but to also reduce traffic and begin the transition towards a city of short distances. As a part of the Chinese demonstration region, Shenzhen is comprised of more than 10 million inhabitants. This Southern Chinese metropolis is one of the world’s most important production sites for electric vehicles and provides a great deal of practical experience with electric vehicles (e-taxis & e-buses) due to the cities long term involvement with large volumes of electric vehicles. Similar to Shenzhen, Hamburg represents one of Germany’s electromobility model regions and in recent years has launched numerous initiatives (e-Quartier Hamburg & economy on power) to establish environmentally sound mobility technologies. These systematic models and tools allow for the progression of urban and transport development. The SINGER project compares the experiences of China and Germany.How can electromobility contribute to sustainable urban development? Utilizing these two model regions, this question will be discussed in depth within HafenCity University’s “Environmentally Sound Urban and Infrastructure Planning” Department, located in Hamburg. This department will analyze how users, researchers, vehicle manufacturers, corporations, infrastructure providers, government agencies, policymakers and the regulatory framework interact. Sustainable concepts and planning project components will be exposed and developed. Differing categories of projects will be defined: Urban development focusing on electromobility transition, development of an electromobility charging infrastructure and the conversion of existing intermodal transportation system towards electromobility. The resulting results will be compared, assessed and evaluated. These results will be transferable to other cities and discussed at an international conference “E-Mobility: Challenges for Technology and Urban Infrastructure Development” was held in from September 27th until 29th, 2016 in Hamburg.


Lauer, J.; Dickhaut, W. (forthcoming): Elektromobilität in Metropolen - Ein internationaler Vergleich zwischen Hamburg und Shenzhen. In: Econet Monitor 4/2018, German Industry and Commerce Greater China, Beijing.

Lauer, J.; Dickhaut, W. (2018): Elektromobilität im Rahmen der Stadtentwicklung in Hamburg und Shenzhen, Dokumentation des Projekts „Sino-German Electromobility Research“ (SINGER), Fachgebiet Umweltgerechte Stadt- und Infrastrukturplanung, HafenCity Universität Hamburg, Hamburg, ISBN 978-3-941722-61-3.

Lauer, J. (2017): Elektromobilität als Baustein nachhaltiger Stadtentwicklung in chinesischen Megastädten – Strukturen, Prozesse und Instrumente zur Förderung der Elektromobilität in der Modellregion Shenzhen, Dissertation, HafenCity Universität Hamburg, Hamburg. Abrufbar unter:

Lauer, J.; Dickhaut, W. (2017): Conference Documentation, International Conference „E-Mobility: Challenges for Technology and Urban Infrastructure Development“, 27-29 September 2016, HafenCity University Hamburg, Hamburg. Download at:

Lauer, J.; Dickhaut, W. (2016): Shenzhen's New Energy Vehicles and charging infrastructure - policies, instruments and development, Presented at SBE16 Conference Hamburg, ZEBAU (Ed.), Druckerei in St. Pauli, Hamburg, pp. 1040-1049. Download at:

Lauer, J.; Dickhaut, W. (2016): Shenzhen‘s Road to Sustainable Transport in the Field of New Energy Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure. In: Econet Monitor 12/2016, German Industry and Commerce Greater China, Beijing, pp. 11-14. Download at:


Wissenschaftliche Vorträge:

Lauer, J. (2017): Elektromobilität als Baustein nachhaltiger Stadtentwicklung in chinesischen Megastädten – Strukturen, Prozesse und Instrumente zur Förderung der Elektromobilität in der Modellregion Shenzhen, HafenCity Universität Hamburg, Hamburg, Dissertatiosvortrag am 05. September 2017.

Lauer, J.; Dickhaut, W. (2016): Shenzhen's New Energy Vehicles and charging infrastructure - policies, instruments and development, Vortrag zur SBE16 Conference, Hamburg, 09. März 2016. Download extended abstract:

Lauer, J. (2016): E-Mobility and Urban Development in Hamburg and Shenzhen. Vortrag zur International Conference „E-Mobility: Challenges for Technology and Urban Infrastructure Development“, HafenCity University Hamburg, 28. September 2016.

Lauer, J. (2018): Elektromobilität als Baustein nachhaltiger Stadtentwicklung in chinesischen Megastädten, Vortrag zur 5. Fachkonferenz „Elektromobilität vor Ort“ des Bundesministeriums für Verkehr und digitale Infrastruktur (BMVI), Leipzig, 27. Februar 2018. Abrufbar unter:



Freie Fahrt, Text von Alexander Stirn. In: National Geographic, August 2017, S. 98-109, abrufbar unter (kostenpflichtig):

Vertiefung der deutsch-chinesischen Zusammenarbeit: Internationale Konferenz zum Thema Elektromobilität, NOW GmbH, 29. September 2016, abrufbar unter:

Hamburger Hochschulen veranstalten internationale Konferenz zum Zukunftsthema Elektromobilität, Text von Marina Brink, HafenCity Universität Hamburg, 27. September 2016, abrufbar unter:

Research Project: SINGER | Sino-German Electromobility Research

Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Wolfgang Dickhaut,
Dipl. Geogr. Johannes Lauer

Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Jörg Knieling

Funding Ministry: Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI)
