The International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is the globally valid identification number for monographic publications. It uniquely identifies publications, making them unmistakable. For more information, visit the ISBN Agency website.

An ISBN for a book is not mandatory. However, such an international book number is useful if you want to publish and distribute a work in a larger number. In addition, the ISBN makes it easier for your publication to be found by booksellers and in library catalogs and databases.

The HafenCity University Library manages and assigns ISBNs centrally for printed and electronic publications by HCU researchers. It does not act as a university publisher and therefore does not handle the editing, production and distribution.

For more information on the conditions and the process, HCU researchers can visit HCU intern.

More Information

... on the general conditions and the procedure HCU members can find under HCU intern.

Contact us:

Davide Montanaro
Tel.: +49 (0) 40 42827-4368

E-Mail: digitaledienste(at)


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20457 Hamburg

Tel: +49 (0) 40 42827-5675

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